A Top US Cyber Security Official Steps Down Amid String Of Hacks

A Top US Cyber Security Official Steps Down Amid String Of Hacks
By Ian Sherr, Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES SAN FRANCISCO -(Dow Jones)- A top US cyber-security official resigned on Friday, prompting a change in leadership amid a string of Internet-based attacks on numerous government and corporate computer networks. ...
Department Of Defense Creates Website On Cyber Security Strategy
The DOD (Department of Defense) has launched a new website that has compiled content related to cyber security strategy. It was launched less than 2 weeks ago. It's to help guide the DOD in their efforts to fight cyber attacks that have become more ...
US fight against cyber intruders goes local
Sydney Morning Herald
An explosion in threats against the US cyber networks has led the Pentagon to develop a cyber war strategy and states to open cyber security offices. The Pentagon revealed recently that it sustained, earlier this year, one of its largest-ever losses of ...
Hackers warn national level cyber security threats against Italy
Anonymous and Lulzsec hackers struck Italian cyber crime unit Centro Nazionale Anticrimine Informatico per la Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche (CNAIPIC), according to a Tweet posted by AnyonymousIRC. “If it's true that security at CNAIPIC has ...
Hackers could whip up a Cyber Storm
Technology Spectator
But it's only just commissioned a Cyber Whitepaper, and its cyber security strategy, first released in 2009, remains a work in progress, with a renewed focus on the critical issue of collaboration across jurisdictions and borders. ...
Cyber-Criminals Use Botnets, Automation to Launch Multiple Blended Attacks
Many of the scripts are also based on the Metasploit penetration testing platform, a legitimate security testing tool often used by cyber-criminals to uncover security holes, Imperva found. The tool comes with hundreds of automated exploits and malware ...
Opinion: Cyber-Security Revisited - Why SSL Needs Replacing
The Tech Herald
by David Lowenstein - Jul 25 2011, 15:30 As citizens of the Internet, we have all come to associate web security with the lock icon in commerce transactions, the “s” added to our browsing to indicate we are secure (ie https), as well as the growingly ...
Cyber security challenge gears up for competition week
Manufacturing Computer Solutions
Hundreds of cyber security professionals will compete over the next few days to prove their credentials as the new programme of Cyber Security Challenge competitions gets underway. The virtual stage of the QinetiQ Network Defence Competition, ...
East Africa Cyber Workshop to Address Cyber Security
MMD Newswire (press release)
This workshop, a partnership between the US and Kenyan governments, will address broad issues on cyber crime and cyber security while focusing discussions on issues of specific interest to East Africa, such as mobile cellular security and the ...
Kenya warned to secure money transfers
Capital FM Kenya
Christopher Painter who formerly worked as a senior advisor to the US President oncyber security acknowledged Kenya's spearheading position in mobile money transfer systems, which is envied by countries abroad. “We cannot afford to ignore that fact; ...
Red Lambda Security Expert Wins US Cyber Challenge
Business Wire (press release)
As a result of his performance in the Cyber Quests, Alex received a special invitation from US Cyber Security leaders in Washington DC to join a team of security experts for a meeting to brainstorm ideas for the first-ever cybersecurity challenge from ...
Cyber security roles to go viral, says Lyne
Spreading awareness of the roles available is therefore key, and “cyber security should be integrated into the British school curriculum alongside English, Maths and Science”, says Lyne who also highlighted the “drastic reduction” in GCSE and A-Level ...
F5's Enhanced BIG-IP Security Solutions Thwart Multilayer Cyber Attacks
MarketWatch (press release)
As cyber attacks change and their frequency continues to rise, IT departments are finding it increasingly difficult to effectively address security concerns. Traditional point solutions such as network firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion ...
Ethical hackers: Govt, MNCs want you
Times of India
"Security is the most essential thing when it comes to internet. Today every single technology company is establishing its dedicated team of hacking experts, thus providing huge opportunities to youngsters to take this up as a career," cyber security...
CACI Announces Intent to Acquire Paradigm Holdings, Inc.
MarketWatch (press release)
The company's specific offerings range from cybersecurity and software engineering tocyber operations that include network security monitoring, designing and upgrading data centers, and managing security and network operations centers. ...
Survey says: Many companies underestimate cost of security breaches
TechJournal South
While most companies see cyber security as a major concern, they nevertheless underestimate how much a security breach can cost, according to a new survey from Aveksa Inc., which sells a program called Access Governance that automates management of ...
United States and India agree to share cyber threat information
"This MOU will improve understanding and exchanges between our countries on the issue of cyber-security and protecting critical national infrastructure from cyber-attacks," says a State Department fact sheet. In a July 12 White House blog post, ...
Protecting data, cyber attacks with Symantec SEP 12
Nigeria Daily Independent
While awaiting the passage of cyber Act into law in Nigeria, Symantec at the weekend in Lagos, introduced a new security protection solution that is capable of protecting computers and its data from malicious attacks. The solution known as Symantec ...
New partnership to tackle cyber-crime
by John Lyons Can a new agreement between Europol and the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance help to regulate the worst elements of the internet? The new partnership between Europol, the European law enforcement agency which represents ...
The Bottom Line: Internet hacking serious threat to companies, global security
LSU The Reveille
Cyber-security company Black and Berg CyberSecurity Consulting, LLC posted an online contest that openly challenged anyone to hack the page — offering a job and $10000 for the trouble. It wasn't long before the page was hacked by the notorious group...
Confusing array of security job titles complicates Pentagon cyber warrior strategy
Network World
As the US Department of Defense wrangles with cybersecurity and organizes for potential online warfare, it faces a number of big challenges - not the least of which is managing to get the right people in the right jobs. But with the DoD such a task ...
Zero day cyber attacks
The Standard
"Public awareness of computer security in general is extremely poor; most people don't think about hackers, or viruses, or indeed anything to do with cyber security at all, until they become a victim, and then it's usually too late," said Michael ...
UK confirms international cyber rules conference
This follows a commitment in his speech on security and freedom in the cyber age in Munich earlier this year that the UK would host a conference to discuss norms of acceptable behaviour in cyberspace. At the 2011 Munich Security Conference, ...
Value of the Homeland Security industry will reach as much as $194.3bn in 2011 ...
PR Newswire UK (press release)
Visiongain is particularly bullish on the global cyber security market, with demand set to jump exponentially as cyber attacks on both government agencies and private firms grow bolder and more frequent. Cyber security has come to form a much larger ...
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act passes Congressman McCaul's House Science, Space ...
Your Houston News
“From breaches at financial, consumer, and computer security companies to the most damaging cyber attack on our military to date, this year has brought story after story that underlines the urgency of combating cybercrime. The Cybersecurity Enhancement...
GAO faults Pentagon cyber operations
Washington Post (blog)
Stewart A. Baker, a former National Security Agency general counsel, said, “The most strategic thinking has to be done at NSA and Cyber Command, but a lot of the tactical day-to-day defense has to be done by people on the scene, which means the ...
Opinion: Cyber-Security Revisited - Why SSL Needs Replacing - Security
By David Lowenstein
Since introducing the notion of Federated Networks' Application Security Layer Protocol (ASL) almost a year ago, we have been surprised by the lack of understanding of the plethora of issues facing SSL, as well as the fair question of ...
The Tech Herald Security News
CTOvision.com – The FedCyber.com Cyber Security Summit
By BobGourley
On 28 September 2011, FedCyber.com will present a one-day Government-IndustryCyber Security Summit to be held at the Newseum in Washington DC. The FedCyber.
(ISC)2 Recognizes Pioneering Cyber Security Workforce Initiatives ...
(ISC)2 Recognizes Pioneering Cyber Security Workforce Initiatives at Its 2011 Information Security Leadership Achievements (ISLA) Gala Dinner in Jakarta.
The Cybersecurity-Industrial Complex - Reason Magazine
By Tate Watkins
The concerns I have about "cybersecurity initiatives is the capabilities it will give the gov't when it goes looking for money, which it inevitably must do. The kiddie porn witch hunt will pale in comparison to what they will do when ...
Reason Magazine
One Word. Are You Listening? … Cybersecurity - Microsoft Security ...
By Jeff Jones - MSFT
... is a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals on the government side: “While the Obama administration has made cybersecurity a national priority and put forth efforts to hire more than 1000 cyber security experts at the DHS, ...
Site Home
Feds to rethink cyber crisis management - Security - Technology ...
International Cyber Storm wargame prompts changes.
Head of U.S. cyber agency resigns suddenly « The Daily Attack
By Rj
Randy Vickers resigned as director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team Friday, according to an email from Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary forcyber security and communications at Homeland Security, which was sent ...
The Daily Attack
Head of US cyber agency resigns suddenly - Interaksyon.com
By Tabassum Zakaria, Reuters
The head of a US agency that helps respond to cyber attacks resigned suddenly after several high-profile attacks on government computer systems but the Department of Homeland Security declined Monday to comment on the reason.
Homeland security a burgeoning market, report says | TechJournal South
By admin
Visiongain is particularly bullish on the global cyber security market, with demand set to jump exponentially as cyber attacks on both government agencies and private firms grow bolder and more frequent. Cyber security has come to form ...
TechJournal South
Director of U.S. Cyber Attack Team Resigns — GigaLaw.com Daily News
By Doug Isenberg
Randy Vickers resigned as director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team, according to an email from Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary for cyber security and communications at Homeland Security, which was sent to ...
GigaLaw.com Daily News
America's top cyber-warrior quits without warning | The Raw Story
By Stephen C. Webster
US-CERT, run by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Cyber SecurityDivision, is on the front line for protecting the government from hackers. It has been run by Randy Vickers since April 2009, when he stepped up to helm ...
The Raw Story
Head Of U.S. Cyber Agency Resigns Suddenly | TeamSHATTER
By TeamSHATTER Admin
Randy Vickers resigned as director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team on Friday, according to an email from Roberta Stempfley, acting assistant secretary forcyber security and communications at Homeland Security, ...
US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA11-200A -- Security ...
Security Recommendations to Prevent Cyber Intrusions. Original release date: July 19, 2011. Last revised: July 21, 2011. Source: US-CERT ...
Hacker hunters: Join the cyber security job boom - Fortune Tech
With hackers running riot on the Internet, here's how you can get paid to stop them. By Alex Konrad, contributor FORTUNE -- Don't let the headlines about ...
Boeing Acquiring Cyber Security Biz - Zacks.com
Boeing Acquiring Cyber Security Biz -The Boeing Company has entered into an agreement to acquire Solutions Made Simple Inc.
Cyber-security industry has increasing demand for experts - St ...
The cyber security industry is on high alert. The recent attacks on dozens of websites, including those of the CIA, the FBI and even PBS, is roiling the ...
Critics: U.S. cyber security plan has holes, few new items | The ...
U.S. Department of Defense's Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace includes an initiative for treating cyber space as a domain like land and sea.
This Week in Politics & Digital: Cyber Security
The presence of more and more politicians online also raises the potential for more security risks. Find out what happened this week in cyber security.
McCain Proposes Cyber Security Law Committee
Sen. McCain has proposed the creation of a temporary Select Committee onCybersecurity and Electronic Intelligence Leaks to propose legislation to deal with ...
ISA Testimony Before House Cyber Security Task Force
ISA Testimony Before House Cyber Security Task Force Speaker of the House Boehner has appointed a task force comprised of Members from the major Committees...
UK Cyber Security Challenge gears up for second year of ...
Hundreds of aspirant cybersecurity professionals are to compete to prove their credentials in coming days as the new programme of Cyber Security Challenge ...
U.S. DoD Releases Cyber Security Strategy
The U.S. Department of Defense released a cybersecurity strategy, aimed at bolstering the nation's computer networks against malware, denial of service ...

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