It allows "cyber entities" (such as Internet service providers, social networks like Facebook and cell phone companies like AT&T) to circumvent Internet privacy laws when they're pressured by Homeland Security to hand over or shut down -- well, ...
Expert: 'Wired nation' risks cyber attack
The Herald-Mail
By Kevin G. Gilbert, Staff Photographer More than 303000 cyber security-related complaints were recorded by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2010, more than 17 times the number a decade earlier, posing a growing threat to the nation's economic and ...
Cyber security exercise puts laboratories to the test
R & D Magazine
Intense pressure creates diamonds from coal, they say, and for Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory cyber security programs, it's an apt comparison. Fending off thousands of computer attacks from around the world, controlling vast libraries ...

R & D Magazine
How to see the data Facebook's keeping on you
New York Daily News
By Braden Goyette / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Now you can see a bit more of the data Facebook is collecting about you. Just how much does Facebook know about its users? As the social network behemoth faces increased scrutiny in preparation for its initial ...

New York Daily News
Cyber Warfare Coming of Age in America
Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs Office The Pentagon's cyber warfare effort has recently evolved regarding the type of weapons being developed and the processes used to acquire them, in reaction to recent challenges in the Middle East.

Beware of the cyber muggers
Herald Sun
< Prev of 2 Next > TWO-THIRDS of Australians think it is unlikely they will be victims of a cyber attack. So much so, more than half said they never changed their passwords nor bothered to update their anti-virus software, an Australia SCAN social ...
Cyber attacks against financial services firms skyrocket, study says
Government Security News
Cyber attacks against banks and financial services firms have gone into hyperdrive, according to a report by a security services firm that specializes in defending against Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS) attacks. The security company, Prolexic, ...
CISPA Authors Launch Twitter Account To Preach False Merits Of The Bill
They haven't been at it for very long, but they've already blessed the hashtags #CISPA and #cyber (they really love that word, don't they?) with several disingenuous tweets full of misinformation and flat-out inaccuracies: Firstly, how does a federal ...
Megaupload data up for debate - Revenge of the robocallers - Google, RNC team ...
Tony Romm has the story: CYBER TRACKERS, KEEP NEXT TUES AM FREE — That's the day the House Judiciary Committee is expected to mark up Rep. Bob Goodlatte's cybersecurity bill, which aims to stiffen penalties for cybercrime, ...
Ilves in Washington: All NATO Allies Must Contribute to Cyber Security (1)
ERR News
A well targeted and forceful cyber attack in the 21st century can have a much more devastating impact than a missile strike and may cause a major crisis, Ilves argued. He stressed the importance of boosting NATO's cyber security skills to the level of ...
Anonymous Targets Facebook, IBM, Intel and AT&T in Operation Defense Phase II
Intel is one of the 30 private companies that have backed Cispa, which will enable businesses and the government to more easily share cyber-security information. Critics claim that the legislation contains few restraints on how and when the government ...
Cyber Operations Give Leaders New Options, Official Says
Department of Defense
“We're trying to think about cyber operations as a new form of policy tool that gives the president or the secretary of defense new options,” Eric Rosenbach told American Forces Press Service. “We're not actively looking to mount operations in ...
The big target in cyber war isn't military anymore
Cyber threats are changing the face of war as significantly today as aerial threats did a century ago, said President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. But the greatest threats now are not to military targets or critical infrastructure.
CISPA: How To Fight The Online Spying Bill Currently Before Congress
International Business Times
Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., says CISPA provides essential tools for repelling online security threats: "Without important, immediate changes to American cyber security policy, I believe our country will continue to be at risk for a catastrophicattack ...

International Business Times
Hackers step up war on UK security services
Belfast Telegraph
Britain is lagging behind the US, France and Germany in its capacity to respond tocyber attacks, a former senior official at the government "listening post", GCHQ, warned yesterday. Two hackers, aged 16 and 17 and living in the West Midlands, ...

Belfast Telegraph
CISPA supporters list: 800+ companies that could help Uncle Sam snag your data
As the campaign against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) heats up, it's important for the opposition movement to understand just how many companies directly or indirectly support the legislation (ie through a trade group).
World more dangerous, top general tells Harvard
... campus that even though the world appears to enjoy greater stability and interdependence, threats looming beneath the surface -- from cyber warfare to the proliferation of long-range missiles -- actually place American security at greater risk.
Are You Among 600000 Whose Mac Was Hacked? Law Isn't on Your Side
Bloomberg (blog)
This was no run-of-the-mill hacking attack: The target was Apple, which historically has been only lightly targeted by cyber criminals, and some security experts said the company could have done more to prevent the attack. The vulnerability was in Java ...

Bloomberg (blog)
Dempsey: Nation Faces Security Paradox
Department of Defense
Cyber attack is another evolving threat that doesn't require a large military to launch it, Dempsey said. “With the right computer virus, a single person can disrupt life for … an entire city, and potentially even our entire nation,” he added.
Exercise provides strategies for new federal cyber center
Called Eventide, the event brought together IT experts from a variety of government organizations, such as the FBI, the Energy Department and its Cyber Forensics Laboratory, the National Nuclear Security Administration, and DOE's other national ...
Angry Birds? You'll be FURIOUS - fake game infects Android handsets and lets ...
Daily Mail
Versions of Angry Birds Space - the new version of the hit puzzle game - are infected with malicious software that allows cyber-criminals full control of infected handsets. Hidden inside a fully working version of the game, a trojan quietly installs...

Daily Mail
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame supports CISPA? (Breaking News)
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short) is currently being discussed in Congress and it seems that Mark Zuckerberg is in support of the Act. Digital Journal recently reported on CISPA, the official title of this ...
DOD may expand cyber partnerships to Japan, South Korea (blog)
Steven Schleien, the Defense Department principal director for cyber policy, says department officials are starting to talk with the Japanese, South Korean and New Zealand defense ministries about cybersecurity, according to FedScoop.
US to fast-track cyber weapon development
Infosecurity Magazine
The US plans to fast-track the development of cyber weapons to give it the ability to create the means to attack specific targets within months, and even days. The rapid development process is designed to respond to "urgent, mission critical" needs ...
Malware wake-up call for Mac users
InfoWorld (blog)
This is not a surprise to anyone who knows computer security. When I first entered the antihacking field (around 1987), the only malware programs running on personal computers were Apple computer viruses. Then IBM PCs gained in popularity and MS-DOS ...
Beware '' and similar sp00fed links in e-mail
By Greg Crowe I had the privilege of presenting the Live Cyber Attack Demo to a standing-room-only crowd on the morning of the third day of the FOSE conference recently in Washington, DC After making introductions, I handed the show off to the experts, ...
MSU to welcome senior homeland security official
Mississippi State Newsroom
During a Tuesday [April 17] program open to all, the architect of the DHS's cyber ecosystem approach to computer and network security also will discuss the mission and operation of his office. His 1:30 pm presentation takes place in the Colvard Student ...

Mississippi State Newsroom
Oak Ridge lab takes a new tack on 'big security'
By William Jackson Oak Ridge National Lab is developing a number of cybersecurity tools that use advanced machine learning to counter cyber threats. The lab was the victim of one of the most notable breaches of 2011, after which it was offline for more ...
Cybersecurity Gaps Across Government, New Monitoring Tool, and More
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
... Security, and power companies, will test a voluntary reporting model to discovercybersecurity gaps in electricity delivery systems. More here. A researcher at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a cyber ...
Blackout 100% certain in three years, claim smart grid opponents
Smart Grid News
The group has convinced a self-proclaimed security expert to issue a press release asserting that the entire power grid is at risk of being taken down by cyber attack. David Chalk goes so far as to predict "100% certainty of catastrophic failure of the ...

Smart Grid News
Botnets and cyber warfare, a dangerous combination | Security Affairs
By paganinip
In a cyber security context we can enumerate a huge quantity of cyber threats that daily are designed and enhanced, a heterogeneous world and that includes many different options that could harm military and private sector causing serious damages. In recent months is the increased ... That is cyber warfare, no matter if behind the attack there is a foreign government or ruthless criminals, the risk is high and face the threat has high priority. “We're looking at what [botnets] might do to a ...
Security Affairs
Information Dissemination: Observations of a Rocket Launch
By Galrahn
On April 10, 2012 Rear Adm. Samuel Cox gave a speech in Washington discussing the threat ofcyber attack from North Korea, and it is worth noting that in those discussions of North Korea in the context of cyber, several US Cybercom officials ... The change from defensive capabilities to offensive capabilities for US Cybercom is not a sudden change, and has been developing over time, but it is remarkable timing that the US puts North Korea in the discussion of cyber warfareand ...
Information Dissemination
A cyberwar of ideas? Deterrence and norms in cyberspace ...
By Tim Stevens
My new article, A cyberwar of ideas? Deterrence and norms in cyberspace, has just gone online as part of a symposium on The Future of Deterrence in Contemporary Security Policy. Other contributors on the theme include Patrick Morgan, ...
Assembling Cyber Security
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline ... - The Hacker News
By (THN Reporter)
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack. Computer Security Blog !! THN Magazine and The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to Information Technology, Cyber security, infosec, Hacking threads, Vulnerability. ... The hackers claimed to have carried out the cyber-attack in response to the alleged detention of innocent people on terrorism charges and the recent ruling to deport a number of terror suspects to the United States.
The Hacker News [ THN ] - Security Blog
Pentagon Announces New Strategy: Rapidly Develop ...
By Clay Dillow
Deftly recognizing that cyberweapons are nothing like the materiel of physical warfare, the DoD is devising a means to fast-track and field certain cyberweapons, some of which will take only days to go from development to deployment. The Washington Post has obtained a Pentagon-prepared report for Congress outlining and acquisition process that will respond to “mission-critical” needs when cyber weapons are absolutely necessary and time isn't on the side of U.S. personnel.
Popular Science - New Technology,...
Estonia President Ilves: Intellectual Property Main Target in Cyber ...
By Ross Wilkers
Estonia's President Toomas Hendrik Ilves said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington Thursday that there is too much focus on the military side of cyber warfare. Ilves suggests the real ... According to Ilves, government and industry should abandon their proprietary intelligence-based cybersecurity approach and take on a more collaborative effort to guard their intellectual property from nations and organizations teaming to compromise it. Organizations have ...
The New New Internet
Hacked: Scotland Yard's Anti-Terror Hotline Hacked By Kids | IT ...
By kwright
IT Governance Blog on IT governance, risk management, compliance and information security. IT Governance Ltd source, create and deliver products and services to meet the real-world, ... As I mentioned last week, the policing of the internet will be a major issue in the modern age. The individual and businesses have a responsibility to protect themselves when using the internet, yet even if you take adequate precautions you may become the subject of a cyber attack or cybercrime.
IT Governance Blog on IT governance,...
Cybersecurity Gaps Across Government, New Monitoring Tool, and ...
By AlexOlesker
This month, the Department of Energy, in working with the White House, Department of Homeland Security, and power companies, will test a voluntary reporting model to discovercybersecurity gaps in electricity delivery systems. More here. ... More here. A researcher at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a cyber sensor to track how network activity relates to application to better identify and understand cyberattacks. More here.
Why Hire a Full-Time Cyberthief When You Can Get a Temp for a ...
By Dan Rampe
The thieves, who got victim information from phishing attacks and keystroke logging malware, provided “stolen account information and biographical information of the account holder to, along with instructions about what needed ... Preet Bharara said in a statement: “This case is another example of how cybercrime knows no geographic boundaries and of how we will work with our partners in the United States and around the world to catch and punish cyber criminals.” ...
Frauds and Ends
TeaMp0isoN hacked MI6 by launching a phone-based DOS attack ...
By EHN Reporter
... Hacking News Organization. EHN delivers the latest news on Security breaching, vulnerability,Cyber Security and Penetration testing tools and more. ... This attack prevents any legitimate calls from getting through. Each time an MI6 official ...
E Hacking News | Hacker News...
Key Cyber Security Purposes for the Smart Grid | EEP
By Edvard
In the Smart Grid, there are two key purposes for cyber security Power system reliability and Confidentiality and privacy of customers. Power system. ... security or the implementation ofsecurity measures which hinder normal or emergency power system operations. Power system operations must be able to continue during any security attack or compromise (as much as possible). Power system operations must recover quickly after a security attack or compromised information system.
Electrical Engineering Portal
The Homeland Security Show - What You've Missed and What's ...
By Janice Kephart
My first guest was former (and first) Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of HomelandSecurity and former General Counsel to the National Security Agency, Stewart Baker discussingcybersecurity findings and recommendations from his ... Baker asserts from his knowledge of intrusions that have occurred in U.S. government computers for years that still fail to have solidcyber protections installed due to legislation dating to 1986, that a cyber-induced Katrina could happen ...
Security Debrief
Draconian Cybersecurity Bills
Bipartisan complicity's involved in hyping cyber threats. At issue is promoting draconian cybersecurity legislation. Obama supports congressional effects. Internet ...
Apple computers infected with Flashback Trojan virus in 'rude ...
Trojan has compromised 550000 machines, claims Russian security firm; Attack is 'rude awakening' for Mac users; Cyber threat infects machines via any of four ...
Follow @sobeqorg
The Herald-Mail
By Kevin G. Gilbert, Staff Photographer More than 303000 cyber security-related complaints were recorded by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2010, more than 17 times the number a decade earlier, posing a growing threat to the nation's economic and ...
Cyber security exercise puts laboratories to the test
R & D Magazine
Intense pressure creates diamonds from coal, they say, and for Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory cyber security programs, it's an apt comparison. Fending off thousands of computer attacks from around the world, controlling vast libraries ...
R & D Magazine
How to see the data Facebook's keeping on you
New York Daily News
By Braden Goyette / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Now you can see a bit more of the data Facebook is collecting about you. Just how much does Facebook know about its users? As the social network behemoth faces increased scrutiny in preparation for its initial ...
New York Daily News
Cyber Warfare Coming of Age in America
Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs Office The Pentagon's cyber warfare effort has recently evolved regarding the type of weapons being developed and the processes used to acquire them, in reaction to recent challenges in the Middle East.
Beware of the cyber muggers
Herald Sun
< Prev of 2 Next > TWO-THIRDS of Australians think it is unlikely they will be victims of a cyber attack. So much so, more than half said they never changed their passwords nor bothered to update their anti-virus software, an Australia SCAN social ...
Cyber attacks against financial services firms skyrocket, study says
Government Security News
Cyber attacks against banks and financial services firms have gone into hyperdrive, according to a report by a security services firm that specializes in defending against Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS) attacks. The security company, Prolexic, ...
CISPA Authors Launch Twitter Account To Preach False Merits Of The Bill
They haven't been at it for very long, but they've already blessed the hashtags #CISPA and #cyber (they really love that word, don't they?) with several disingenuous tweets full of misinformation and flat-out inaccuracies: Firstly, how does a federal ...
Megaupload data up for debate - Revenge of the robocallers - Google, RNC team ...
Tony Romm has the story: CYBER TRACKERS, KEEP NEXT TUES AM FREE — That's the day the House Judiciary Committee is expected to mark up Rep. Bob Goodlatte's cybersecurity bill, which aims to stiffen penalties for cybercrime, ...
Ilves in Washington: All NATO Allies Must Contribute to Cyber Security (1)
ERR News
A well targeted and forceful cyber attack in the 21st century can have a much more devastating impact than a missile strike and may cause a major crisis, Ilves argued. He stressed the importance of boosting NATO's cyber security skills to the level of ...
Anonymous Targets Facebook, IBM, Intel and AT&T in Operation Defense Phase II
Intel is one of the 30 private companies that have backed Cispa, which will enable businesses and the government to more easily share cyber-security information. Critics claim that the legislation contains few restraints on how and when the government ...
Cyber Operations Give Leaders New Options, Official Says
Department of Defense
“We're trying to think about cyber operations as a new form of policy tool that gives the president or the secretary of defense new options,” Eric Rosenbach told American Forces Press Service. “We're not actively looking to mount operations in ...
The big target in cyber war isn't military anymore
Cyber threats are changing the face of war as significantly today as aerial threats did a century ago, said President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. But the greatest threats now are not to military targets or critical infrastructure.
CISPA: How To Fight The Online Spying Bill Currently Before Congress
International Business Times
Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., says CISPA provides essential tools for repelling online security threats: "Without important, immediate changes to American cyber security policy, I believe our country will continue to be at risk for a catastrophicattack ...
International Business Times
Hackers step up war on UK security services
Belfast Telegraph
Britain is lagging behind the US, France and Germany in its capacity to respond tocyber attacks, a former senior official at the government "listening post", GCHQ, warned yesterday. Two hackers, aged 16 and 17 and living in the West Midlands, ...
Belfast Telegraph
CISPA supporters list: 800+ companies that could help Uncle Sam snag your data
As the campaign against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) heats up, it's important for the opposition movement to understand just how many companies directly or indirectly support the legislation (ie through a trade group).
World more dangerous, top general tells Harvard
... campus that even though the world appears to enjoy greater stability and interdependence, threats looming beneath the surface -- from cyber warfare to the proliferation of long-range missiles -- actually place American security at greater risk.
Are You Among 600000 Whose Mac Was Hacked? Law Isn't on Your Side
Bloomberg (blog)
This was no run-of-the-mill hacking attack: The target was Apple, which historically has been only lightly targeted by cyber criminals, and some security experts said the company could have done more to prevent the attack. The vulnerability was in Java ...
Bloomberg (blog)
Dempsey: Nation Faces Security Paradox
Department of Defense
Cyber attack is another evolving threat that doesn't require a large military to launch it, Dempsey said. “With the right computer virus, a single person can disrupt life for … an entire city, and potentially even our entire nation,” he added.
Exercise provides strategies for new federal cyber center
Called Eventide, the event brought together IT experts from a variety of government organizations, such as the FBI, the Energy Department and its Cyber Forensics Laboratory, the National Nuclear Security Administration, and DOE's other national ...
Angry Birds? You'll be FURIOUS - fake game infects Android handsets and lets ...
Daily Mail
Versions of Angry Birds Space - the new version of the hit puzzle game - are infected with malicious software that allows cyber-criminals full control of infected handsets. Hidden inside a fully working version of the game, a trojan quietly installs...
Daily Mail
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame supports CISPA? (Breaking News)
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short) is currently being discussed in Congress and it seems that Mark Zuckerberg is in support of the Act. Digital Journal recently reported on CISPA, the official title of this ...
DOD may expand cyber partnerships to Japan, South Korea (blog)
Steven Schleien, the Defense Department principal director for cyber policy, says department officials are starting to talk with the Japanese, South Korean and New Zealand defense ministries about cybersecurity, according to FedScoop.
US to fast-track cyber weapon development
Infosecurity Magazine
The US plans to fast-track the development of cyber weapons to give it the ability to create the means to attack specific targets within months, and even days. The rapid development process is designed to respond to "urgent, mission critical" needs ...
Malware wake-up call for Mac users
InfoWorld (blog)
This is not a surprise to anyone who knows computer security. When I first entered the antihacking field (around 1987), the only malware programs running on personal computers were Apple computer viruses. Then IBM PCs gained in popularity and MS-DOS ...
Beware '' and similar sp00fed links in e-mail
By Greg Crowe I had the privilege of presenting the Live Cyber Attack Demo to a standing-room-only crowd on the morning of the third day of the FOSE conference recently in Washington, DC After making introductions, I handed the show off to the experts, ...
MSU to welcome senior homeland security official
Mississippi State Newsroom
During a Tuesday [April 17] program open to all, the architect of the DHS's cyber ecosystem approach to computer and network security also will discuss the mission and operation of his office. His 1:30 pm presentation takes place in the Colvard Student ...
Mississippi State Newsroom
Oak Ridge lab takes a new tack on 'big security'
By William Jackson Oak Ridge National Lab is developing a number of cybersecurity tools that use advanced machine learning to counter cyber threats. The lab was the victim of one of the most notable breaches of 2011, after which it was offline for more ...
Cybersecurity Gaps Across Government, New Monitoring Tool, and More
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
... Security, and power companies, will test a voluntary reporting model to discovercybersecurity gaps in electricity delivery systems. More here. A researcher at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a cyber ...
Blackout 100% certain in three years, claim smart grid opponents
Smart Grid News
The group has convinced a self-proclaimed security expert to issue a press release asserting that the entire power grid is at risk of being taken down by cyber attack. David Chalk goes so far as to predict "100% certainty of catastrophic failure of the ...
Smart Grid News
Botnets and cyber warfare, a dangerous combination | Security Affairs
By paganinip
In a cyber security context we can enumerate a huge quantity of cyber threats that daily are designed and enhanced, a heterogeneous world and that includes many different options that could harm military and private sector causing serious damages. In recent months is the increased ... That is cyber warfare, no matter if behind the attack there is a foreign government or ruthless criminals, the risk is high and face the threat has high priority. “We're looking at what [botnets] might do to a ...
Security Affairs
Information Dissemination: Observations of a Rocket Launch
By Galrahn
On April 10, 2012 Rear Adm. Samuel Cox gave a speech in Washington discussing the threat ofcyber attack from North Korea, and it is worth noting that in those discussions of North Korea in the context of cyber, several US Cybercom officials ... The change from defensive capabilities to offensive capabilities for US Cybercom is not a sudden change, and has been developing over time, but it is remarkable timing that the US puts North Korea in the discussion of cyber warfareand ...
Information Dissemination
A cyberwar of ideas? Deterrence and norms in cyberspace ...
By Tim Stevens
My new article, A cyberwar of ideas? Deterrence and norms in cyberspace, has just gone online as part of a symposium on The Future of Deterrence in Contemporary Security Policy. Other contributors on the theme include Patrick Morgan, ...
Assembling Cyber Security
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline ... - The Hacker News
By (THN Reporter)
Two from Team Poison arrested in MI6 hotline phone hack. Computer Security Blog !! THN Magazine and The Hacker News is Most Comprehensive resource in providing news related to Information Technology, Cyber security, infosec, Hacking threads, Vulnerability. ... The hackers claimed to have carried out the cyber-attack in response to the alleged detention of innocent people on terrorism charges and the recent ruling to deport a number of terror suspects to the United States.
The Hacker News [ THN ] - Security Blog
Pentagon Announces New Strategy: Rapidly Develop ...
By Clay Dillow
Deftly recognizing that cyberweapons are nothing like the materiel of physical warfare, the DoD is devising a means to fast-track and field certain cyberweapons, some of which will take only days to go from development to deployment. The Washington Post has obtained a Pentagon-prepared report for Congress outlining and acquisition process that will respond to “mission-critical” needs when cyber weapons are absolutely necessary and time isn't on the side of U.S. personnel.
Popular Science - New Technology,...
Estonia President Ilves: Intellectual Property Main Target in Cyber ...
By Ross Wilkers
Estonia's President Toomas Hendrik Ilves said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington Thursday that there is too much focus on the military side of cyber warfare. Ilves suggests the real ... According to Ilves, government and industry should abandon their proprietary intelligence-based cybersecurity approach and take on a more collaborative effort to guard their intellectual property from nations and organizations teaming to compromise it. Organizations have ...
The New New Internet
Hacked: Scotland Yard's Anti-Terror Hotline Hacked By Kids | IT ...
By kwright
IT Governance Blog on IT governance, risk management, compliance and information security. IT Governance Ltd source, create and deliver products and services to meet the real-world, ... As I mentioned last week, the policing of the internet will be a major issue in the modern age. The individual and businesses have a responsibility to protect themselves when using the internet, yet even if you take adequate precautions you may become the subject of a cyber attack or cybercrime.
IT Governance Blog on IT governance,...
Yet another run at the Internet by Congress with CISPA | THE ...
The stated purpose of CISPA is “To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.” (Personally, my favorite line in ...
The stated purpose of CISPA is “To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes.” (Personally, my favorite line in ...
Cybersecurity Gaps Across Government, New Monitoring Tool, and ...
By AlexOlesker
This month, the Department of Energy, in working with the White House, Department of Homeland Security, and power companies, will test a voluntary reporting model to discovercybersecurity gaps in electricity delivery systems. More here. ... More here. A researcher at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed a cyber sensor to track how network activity relates to application to better identify and understand cyberattacks. More here.
Why Hire a Full-Time Cyberthief When You Can Get a Temp for a ...
By Dan Rampe
The thieves, who got victim information from phishing attacks and keystroke logging malware, provided “stolen account information and biographical information of the account holder to, along with instructions about what needed ... Preet Bharara said in a statement: “This case is another example of how cybercrime knows no geographic boundaries and of how we will work with our partners in the United States and around the world to catch and punish cyber criminals.” ...
Frauds and Ends
TeaMp0isoN hacked MI6 by launching a phone-based DOS attack ...
By EHN Reporter
... Hacking News Organization. EHN delivers the latest news on Security breaching, vulnerability,Cyber Security and Penetration testing tools and more. ... This attack prevents any legitimate calls from getting through. Each time an MI6 official ...
E Hacking News | Hacker News...
Key Cyber Security Purposes for the Smart Grid | EEP
By Edvard
In the Smart Grid, there are two key purposes for cyber security Power system reliability and Confidentiality and privacy of customers. Power system. ... security or the implementation ofsecurity measures which hinder normal or emergency power system operations. Power system operations must be able to continue during any security attack or compromise (as much as possible). Power system operations must recover quickly after a security attack or compromised information system.
Electrical Engineering Portal
The Homeland Security Show - What You've Missed and What's ...
By Janice Kephart
My first guest was former (and first) Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of HomelandSecurity and former General Counsel to the National Security Agency, Stewart Baker discussingcybersecurity findings and recommendations from his ... Baker asserts from his knowledge of intrusions that have occurred in U.S. government computers for years that still fail to have solidcyber protections installed due to legislation dating to 1986, that a cyber-induced Katrina could happen ...
Security Debrief
Draconian Cybersecurity Bills
Bipartisan complicity's involved in hyping cyber threats. At issue is promoting draconian cybersecurity legislation. Obama supports congressional effects. Internet ...
Apple computers infected with Flashback Trojan virus in 'rude ...
Trojan has compromised 550000 machines, claims Russian security firm; Attack is 'rude awakening' for Mac users; Cyber threat infects machines via any of four ...
Follow @sobeqorg