Chicago Tribune
WASHINGTON (AP) — Asserting that cyberattacks against the US don't come only from China, the US and Chinese defense ministers said they agreed Monday to work together on cyberissues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to future crises.
Cyber attack targets gas pipeline companies
CNN (blog)
by Suzanne Kelly A series of natural gas pipeline sector companies are being targeted by acyber attack that appears to have been launched in December, according to a notice from the Department of Homeland Security. The threat was disclosed in a ...
Natural gas pipelines under cyber attack
Those warnings were reiterated late Friday in a report from Homeland Security'sIndustrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team based in Idaho. "ICS-CERT has recently identified an active series of cyber intrusions targeting natural gas ...

cyber attacks
Just days after watchdog group Reporters Without Borders named Iran as one of the "Enemies of the Internet," the BBC is now claiming to be the victim of a cyber-attack possibly perpetrated by the Iranian authorities. The news source says that two of ...
US, China to Cooperate on Cyber Security
Voice of America (blog)
Senior Chinese and US defense officials have agreed to cooperate on cyber security threats, despite recent accusations that China is behind several cyber attacks against US networks. The announcement came Monday as China's Defense Minister Liang ...
Chinese General Downplays China's Role in Cyber Attacks
Speaking to reporters yesterday following talks with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Liang disputed a question about China's responsibility for cyber attacks against the US and said the two sides discussed ways to “build a new state-to- state ...

Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyber War
A bill in Congress would task certain private businesses with increasing their cybersecurity to stave off attacks aimed at harming US cyber infrastructure. Mark J. Terrill / AP By NPR People: Tom Gjelten Business executives and national security ...
Nashville Surgeon Target Of Cyber Attack, Kicked Off Cruise Ship
Instead he was kicked off after a cyber-attack. The Carnival Cruise ship Magic was set to sail from Galveston, TX Sunday afternoon, but a knock on Kruse's stateroom door changed his travel plans. Galveston Police were outside the door when Kruse opened ...
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyberwar
by Tom Gjelten A bill in Congress would task certain private businesses with increasing theircybersecurity to stave off attacks aimed at harming US cyber infrastructure. Business executives and national security leaders are of one mind over the need ...
China and US to co-operate to avoid cyber Cold War
BBC News
Mr Liang denied that China was the main source of cyber-attacks against the US. "I can hardly agree with the proposition that the cyber-attacks directed to the United States are directly coming from China," he said. Mr Panetta acknowledged that other ...

BBC News
HP chief Meg Whitman warns of threat of large-scale cyber terrorist attack
by Rosalie Marshall HP chief executive Meg Whitman has warned organisations to prepare for the possibility of a global cyber-attack that could have large-scale repercussions. Whitman said that she believes a "cyber-attack of 9/11 scale" is likely to ...
Alert: natural gas pipeline companies under attack
KPRC Houston
The Office of Homeland Security said that natural gas pipeline companies across the country have been under attack by cyber criminals since December. An alert was issued Monday afternoon by the DHS. "The DHS Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency ...
TeleCommunication Systems Introduces Enterprise Security & Protection Portfolio
Sacramento Bee
Organizations are now realizing that it's no longer a question of if their network will become the next victim of a cyber attack, but when. To meet these increasing threats, TCS has expanded its offering of cyber security solutions to address the needs ...
Sylint: City's IT Security Vulnerable To Attack
Cyber security experts Sylint Group is recommending the city take corrective actions to prevent a massive hack into its data and email systems. By Charles Schelle That incident happened during an anti-security hacking movement called Anti Sec that has ...
CERT Warns of Targeted Phishing Attacks Against Gas Pipeline Firms
The United States Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) has issued a warning about an active "spear phishing" campaign targeting companies in the natural gas pipeline sector. By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld — The United ...
US warns of cyberattacks on gas pipeline companies
"DHS's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team has been working since March 2012 with critical infrastructure owners and operators in the oil and natural gas sector to address a series of cyber intrusions targeting natural gas pipeline ...
GPS jamming highlights NK cyber war threat
The Korea Herald
A recent bout of electronic jamming signals from North Korea highlighted the growing risks ofcyber warfare, which experts fear could be among its pledged “special actions” against South Korea. Hundreds of aircraft and ships have been affected by ...
Gas pipelines under cyberattack
The Hill (blog)
Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the Homeland Security Department, told The Hill that the department is working with the FBI and other federal agencies to address the attacks. He said the department's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response ...
China's defense chief at Pentagon amid diplomatic row
Turkish Press
US and Chinese defense chiefs pledged to work together on cyber threats and forge a dialogue on security as both sides steered clear of a diplomatic dispute over a top Chinese dissident. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and China's Defense Minister Liang ...
In the World of Cyber Security, It's Go Time
Security Debrief
According to multiple reports, including an “incident response” report from the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT), US natural gas pipeline companies are at the center of a major cyber attack campaign.
eIQnetworks Unveils IT Security Solution to Strike Back Against Cyber Attacks
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
“Cybersecurity: The Enterprise Strikes Back Against the Cyber Dark Side!” Using the latest release of eIQnetworks' SecureVue, security information analysts can perform complex correlation and forensic searches over long time periods.
Privacy concerns mount over cybersecurity law
Alaska Dispatch
With passage of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) in the US House, the focus now turns to the Senate, where two starkly different visions of how to meet the cyberthreat are vying for support. One is a voluntary cybersecurity ...
Maude: 'Cooperation is at heart of UK cyber approach'
Public Service
Francis Maude has announced plans to expand the UK's cyber security hub to increase the sharing of information and help target cyber criminals. The move follows a recent joint success by a public/private sector cyber security initiative, which exposed ...

Public Service
Interpol to crack down on cyber crime
Sacramento Bee
AP TEL AVIV, Israel -- The president of the global police network Interpol says fighting cybercrime is a top priority this year. Interpol is holding its conference in Israel for the first time. Khoo Boon Hui told a conference of 49 European member ...
US, China to cooperate on cybersecurity
ZDNet Asia
The defense ministers of both the United States and China have pledged to cooperate further to battle cyberthreats and avoid miscalculations that can led to cyber conflict between the two nations. Reuters reported Monday that Chinese defense minister, ...
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
Keith Alexander of US Cyber Command says they use cyber teams for both offense and defense rather than the conventional model of separating attack and defense. More here. A survey of federal IT professionals shows that government agencies are still ...
FEMA Report: States Rank Cyber Preparedness Last In Readiness
The awareness and focus on cybersecurity has increased but a Federal Emergency Management Agency report found that states ranked cyber last among 31 critical areas of readiness, GCN reports. In its National Preparedness Report, FEMA said most ...
Senators Consider Altering Cyber Bill
Following the House's week of cyber bills in late April, a group of senators is working to get enough votes for their cyber legislation to earn a spot on the floor, The Hill reports. Senate Democrats are trying to win over additional support for a ...
U.S. Cyber Command Cybersecurity Legislation Position Letter ...
By Public Intelligence
I share your view that the United States will inevitably face a large-scale cyber attack, and I take very seriously the issues you outlined. Both U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and the National Security Agency/Central Security Service ...
Public Intelligence
Lawfare › Significant Cyber Attacks on Federal Systems — 2004 ...
By Paul Rosenzweig
DHS website – February 2012 – The DHS website was taken down due to a cyber attack, attributed to Anonymous.; Homeland Security Information Network – May 2009 – The ...
WAIS awayday 2012: Cyber Attack Report | WebScience DTC
By admin
"The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect—to help people work together—and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world." ...
WebScience DTC
U.S., China to cooperate more on cyber threat - Army News | News ...
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Asserting that cyber attacks against the U.S. don't come only from China, the U.S. and Chinese defense ministers said they agreed Monday to work together on cyber issues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to ... “The U.S. needs to start laying the ground work for better understanding by the Chinese of what we expect from them in cyberspace,” said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert who has met with Chinese officials and scholars for informal discussions.
Army Times - News
Homeland Security Investigates Cyber Attacks on Gas Pipelines ...
By CyberThreatTeam
USA TODAYHomeland Security Investigates Cyber Attacks on Gas Pipelines, NGI ReportsMarketWatch (press release)… and ICS-CERT [Industrial Control Systems CyberEmergency Response Team] is working with affected organizations to ... Alarm sounded for 'cyber intrusions' against natural gas companiesZDNet (blog)Cyber attack targets gas pipeline companiesCNN (blog)Gas pipelines under cyberattackThe Hill (blog)USA TODAY -CNET -SC Magazineall 42 news articles » ...
Cyberspace Threats
America 2012 – Suicide Bombers Around Every Corner? :
By Shepard
Some claim we are the most venerable nation on earth to a cyber attack. The US government will spend more than $10 billion a year on cyber security by 2015, in a worldwide market nearing $140 billion a year. Thus allowing the criminal ...
ISPA to launch cyber security code of practice in SA | The Hacker ...
By (THN Reporter)
Known as the 'icode', and developed in conjunction with Australia's Internet Industry Association, the code will provide a consistent approach for South African ISPs to help inform, educate and protect their customers in relation to cyber security ...
The Hacker News [ THN ]
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More
By admin
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More. May 8, 2012 By admin. Here is today's federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Federal agencies are currently investigating months of cyber attacks against the ...
Companies in Asia Reviewing Risk Management over Cyber Crime ...
By PR Newswire Asia
"Whether a data breach occurs from a sophisticated cyber attack or a low-tech mistake of simply misplacing a USB stick, the legal and financial liability is the same. Company directors need to examine, identify and manage their risk exposures ...
War News Updates: U.S. And China Agree To Cooperate On Cyber ...
By War News Updates Editor
US and Chinese defence ministers say they will work together over cybersecurity, despite accusations that China is the main source of online attacks against the US. ... US, China to Cooperate on Cyber Security -- Voice of America. Posted by ...
War News Updates
Chemical Facility Security News: Rule for Floor Consideration of HR ...
By PJCoyle
As I mentioned this weekend the only specific mention of cybersecurity matters in this bill is actually found in the report from the Appropriations Committee. There the Committee reports (page 43): ... Since the bill includes funding for the FBI, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards, there are plenty of places where just about any sort of cyber security issues could be addressed. The process will be particularly ...
Chemical Facility Security News
IntLawGrrls: Internet in bello: more questions than answers
By (Kate Jastram)
Skeptics point to the profit-motivated hype associated with cyber security issues, and argue that there have been very few examples of serious cyber attacks in the accepted legal meaning of the word. ... Reviewing the cyber aspects of some basic definitions, it was agreed that cyberoperations causing physical damage would constitute an "attack" under Article 49.1 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, which was adopted in 1977 and entered into force ...
The Blog @ Homeland Security: DNSChanger Malware Blog Post
By Homeland Security Blog Team
Posted by Rand Beers, Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility... ... Facebook icon · Twitter icon · YouYube icon About|Blog|Contact Us|Site Map. Search. The Department of Homeland Security ... Emergingcyber threats require the engagement of our entire society—from government and law enforcement to the private sector and most importantly, members of the public. Increasingly, we are seeing ...
The Blog @ Homeland Security
US Gas Pipeline Companies Under Major Cyber Attack
Natural Gas Pipeline companies are currently facing a major targeted phishing attack from a single source according to the Christian Science Monitor.
No leakage of confidential info in Iran Oil Ministry cyber attack
Iran's deputy oil minister says the recent cyber attack on the ministry's website didn't lead to the leak of any confidential data.
London Olympic Games at risk of cyber-attack, claims Maude ...
Cabinet Office minister says UK is well aware of the dangers from "the dark side of the internet"
Cybersecurity Legislation and Common Sense – Still Waiting for the ...
During the past two weeks, we've been highlighting cybersecurity and the dangers that various legislative proposals pose to our civil liberties. One major ...
Follow @sobeqorg
CNN (blog)
by Suzanne Kelly A series of natural gas pipeline sector companies are being targeted by acyber attack that appears to have been launched in December, according to a notice from the Department of Homeland Security. The threat was disclosed in a ...
Natural gas pipelines under cyber attack
Those warnings were reiterated late Friday in a report from Homeland Security'sIndustrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team based in Idaho. "ICS-CERT has recently identified an active series of cyber intrusions targeting natural gas ...
cyber attacks
Just days after watchdog group Reporters Without Borders named Iran as one of the "Enemies of the Internet," the BBC is now claiming to be the victim of a cyber-attack possibly perpetrated by the Iranian authorities. The news source says that two of ...
US, China to Cooperate on Cyber Security
Voice of America (blog)
Senior Chinese and US defense officials have agreed to cooperate on cyber security threats, despite recent accusations that China is behind several cyber attacks against US networks. The announcement came Monday as China's Defense Minister Liang ...
Chinese General Downplays China's Role in Cyber Attacks
Speaking to reporters yesterday following talks with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Liang disputed a question about China's responsibility for cyber attacks against the US and said the two sides discussed ways to “build a new state-to- state ...
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyber War
A bill in Congress would task certain private businesses with increasing their cybersecurity to stave off attacks aimed at harming US cyber infrastructure. Mark J. Terrill / AP By NPR People: Tom Gjelten Business executives and national security ...
Nashville Surgeon Target Of Cyber Attack, Kicked Off Cruise Ship
Instead he was kicked off after a cyber-attack. The Carnival Cruise ship Magic was set to sail from Galveston, TX Sunday afternoon, but a knock on Kruse's stateroom door changed his travel plans. Galveston Police were outside the door when Kruse opened ...
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost Of Cyberwar
by Tom Gjelten A bill in Congress would task certain private businesses with increasing theircybersecurity to stave off attacks aimed at harming US cyber infrastructure. Business executives and national security leaders are of one mind over the need ...
China and US to co-operate to avoid cyber Cold War
BBC News
Mr Liang denied that China was the main source of cyber-attacks against the US. "I can hardly agree with the proposition that the cyber-attacks directed to the United States are directly coming from China," he said. Mr Panetta acknowledged that other ...
BBC News
HP chief Meg Whitman warns of threat of large-scale cyber terrorist attack
by Rosalie Marshall HP chief executive Meg Whitman has warned organisations to prepare for the possibility of a global cyber-attack that could have large-scale repercussions. Whitman said that she believes a "cyber-attack of 9/11 scale" is likely to ...
Alert: natural gas pipeline companies under attack
KPRC Houston
The Office of Homeland Security said that natural gas pipeline companies across the country have been under attack by cyber criminals since December. An alert was issued Monday afternoon by the DHS. "The DHS Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency ...
TeleCommunication Systems Introduces Enterprise Security & Protection Portfolio
Sacramento Bee
Organizations are now realizing that it's no longer a question of if their network will become the next victim of a cyber attack, but when. To meet these increasing threats, TCS has expanded its offering of cyber security solutions to address the needs ...
Sylint: City's IT Security Vulnerable To Attack
Cyber security experts Sylint Group is recommending the city take corrective actions to prevent a massive hack into its data and email systems. By Charles Schelle That incident happened during an anti-security hacking movement called Anti Sec that has ...
CERT Warns of Targeted Phishing Attacks Against Gas Pipeline Firms
The United States Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) has issued a warning about an active "spear phishing" campaign targeting companies in the natural gas pipeline sector. By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld — The United ...
US warns of cyberattacks on gas pipeline companies
"DHS's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team has been working since March 2012 with critical infrastructure owners and operators in the oil and natural gas sector to address a series of cyber intrusions targeting natural gas pipeline ...
GPS jamming highlights NK cyber war threat
The Korea Herald
A recent bout of electronic jamming signals from North Korea highlighted the growing risks ofcyber warfare, which experts fear could be among its pledged “special actions” against South Korea. Hundreds of aircraft and ships have been affected by ...
Gas pipelines under cyberattack
The Hill (blog)
Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the Homeland Security Department, told The Hill that the department is working with the FBI and other federal agencies to address the attacks. He said the department's Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response ...
China's defense chief at Pentagon amid diplomatic row
Turkish Press
US and Chinese defense chiefs pledged to work together on cyber threats and forge a dialogue on security as both sides steered clear of a diplomatic dispute over a top Chinese dissident. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and China's Defense Minister Liang ...
In the World of Cyber Security, It's Go Time
Security Debrief
According to multiple reports, including an “incident response” report from the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT), US natural gas pipeline companies are at the center of a major cyber attack campaign.
eIQnetworks Unveils IT Security Solution to Strike Back Against Cyber Attacks
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
“Cybersecurity: The Enterprise Strikes Back Against the Cyber Dark Side!” Using the latest release of eIQnetworks' SecureVue, security information analysts can perform complex correlation and forensic searches over long time periods.
Privacy concerns mount over cybersecurity law
Alaska Dispatch
With passage of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) in the US House, the focus now turns to the Senate, where two starkly different visions of how to meet the cyberthreat are vying for support. One is a voluntary cybersecurity ...
Maude: 'Cooperation is at heart of UK cyber approach'
Public Service
Francis Maude has announced plans to expand the UK's cyber security hub to increase the sharing of information and help target cyber criminals. The move follows a recent joint success by a public/private sector cyber security initiative, which exposed ...
Public Service
Interpol to crack down on cyber crime
Sacramento Bee
AP TEL AVIV, Israel -- The president of the global police network Interpol says fighting cybercrime is a top priority this year. Interpol is holding its conference in Israel for the first time. Khoo Boon Hui told a conference of 49 European member ...
US, China to cooperate on cybersecurity
ZDNet Asia
The defense ministers of both the United States and China have pledged to cooperate further to battle cyberthreats and avoid miscalculations that can led to cyber conflict between the two nations. Reuters reported Monday that Chinese defense minister, ...
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
Keith Alexander of US Cyber Command says they use cyber teams for both offense and defense rather than the conventional model of separating attack and defense. More here. A survey of federal IT professionals shows that government agencies are still ...
FEMA Report: States Rank Cyber Preparedness Last In Readiness
The awareness and focus on cybersecurity has increased but a Federal Emergency Management Agency report found that states ranked cyber last among 31 critical areas of readiness, GCN reports. In its National Preparedness Report, FEMA said most ...
Senators Consider Altering Cyber Bill
Following the House's week of cyber bills in late April, a group of senators is working to get enough votes for their cyber legislation to earn a spot on the floor, The Hill reports. Senate Democrats are trying to win over additional support for a ...
U.S. Cyber Command Cybersecurity Legislation Position Letter ...
By Public Intelligence
I share your view that the United States will inevitably face a large-scale cyber attack, and I take very seriously the issues you outlined. Both U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and the National Security Agency/Central Security Service ...
Public Intelligence
Lawfare › Significant Cyber Attacks on Federal Systems — 2004 ...
By Paul Rosenzweig
DHS website – February 2012 – The DHS website was taken down due to a cyber attack, attributed to Anonymous.; Homeland Security Information Network – May 2009 – The ...
WAIS awayday 2012: Cyber Attack Report | WebScience DTC
By admin
"The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect—to help people work together—and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world." ...
WebScience DTC
U.S., China to cooperate more on cyber threat - Army News | News ...
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Asserting that cyber attacks against the U.S. don't come only from China, the U.S. and Chinese defense ministers said they agreed Monday to work together on cyber issues to avoid miscalculations that could lead to ... “The U.S. needs to start laying the ground work for better understanding by the Chinese of what we expect from them in cyberspace,” said James Lewis, a cybersecurity expert who has met with Chinese officials and scholars for informal discussions.
Army Times - News
Homeland Security Investigates Cyber Attacks on Gas Pipelines ...
By CyberThreatTeam
USA TODAYHomeland Security Investigates Cyber Attacks on Gas Pipelines, NGI ReportsMarketWatch (press release)… and ICS-CERT [Industrial Control Systems CyberEmergency Response Team] is working with affected organizations to ... Alarm sounded for 'cyber intrusions' against natural gas companiesZDNet (blog)Cyber attack targets gas pipeline companiesCNN (blog)Gas pipelines under cyberattackThe Hill (blog)USA TODAY -CNET -SC Magazineall 42 news articles » ...
Cyberspace Threats
America 2012 – Suicide Bombers Around Every Corner? :
By Shepard
Some claim we are the most venerable nation on earth to a cyber attack. The US government will spend more than $10 billion a year on cyber security by 2015, in a worldwide market nearing $140 billion a year. Thus allowing the criminal ...
ISPA to launch cyber security code of practice in SA | The Hacker ...
By (THN Reporter)
Known as the 'icode', and developed in conjunction with Australia's Internet Industry Association, the code will provide a consistent approach for South African ISPs to help inform, educate and protect their customers in relation to cyber security ...
The Hacker News [ THN ]
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More
By admin
Cyber Attacks on Pipelines, DoJ Ransomware, and More. May 8, 2012 By admin. Here is today's federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Federal agencies are currently investigating months of cyber attacks against the ...
Companies in Asia Reviewing Risk Management over Cyber Crime ...
By PR Newswire Asia
"Whether a data breach occurs from a sophisticated cyber attack or a low-tech mistake of simply misplacing a USB stick, the legal and financial liability is the same. Company directors need to examine, identify and manage their risk exposures ...
War News Updates: U.S. And China Agree To Cooperate On Cyber ...
By War News Updates Editor
US and Chinese defence ministers say they will work together over cybersecurity, despite accusations that China is the main source of online attacks against the US. ... US, China to Cooperate on Cyber Security -- Voice of America. Posted by ...
War News Updates
Chemical Facility Security News: Rule for Floor Consideration of HR ...
By PJCoyle
As I mentioned this weekend the only specific mention of cybersecurity matters in this bill is actually found in the report from the Appropriations Committee. There the Committee reports (page 43): ... Since the bill includes funding for the FBI, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards, there are plenty of places where just about any sort of cyber security issues could be addressed. The process will be particularly ...
Chemical Facility Security News
IntLawGrrls: Internet in bello: more questions than answers
By (Kate Jastram)
Skeptics point to the profit-motivated hype associated with cyber security issues, and argue that there have been very few examples of serious cyber attacks in the accepted legal meaning of the word. ... Reviewing the cyber aspects of some basic definitions, it was agreed that cyberoperations causing physical damage would constitute an "attack" under Article 49.1 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, which was adopted in 1977 and entered into force ...
The Blog @ Homeland Security: DNSChanger Malware Blog Post
By Homeland Security Blog Team
Posted by Rand Beers, Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility... ... Facebook icon · Twitter icon · YouYube icon About|Blog|Contact Us|Site Map. Search. The Department of Homeland Security ... Emergingcyber threats require the engagement of our entire society—from government and law enforcement to the private sector and most importantly, members of the public. Increasingly, we are seeing ...
The Blog @ Homeland Security
US Gas Pipeline Companies Under Major Cyber Attack
Natural Gas Pipeline companies are currently facing a major targeted phishing attack from a single source according to the Christian Science Monitor.
No leakage of confidential info in Iran Oil Ministry cyber attack
Iran's deputy oil minister says the recent cyber attack on the ministry's website didn't lead to the leak of any confidential data.
London Olympic Games at risk of cyber-attack, claims Maude ...
Cabinet Office minister says UK is well aware of the dangers from "the dark side of the internet"
Cybersecurity Legislation and Common Sense – Still Waiting for the ...
During the past two weeks, we've been highlighting cybersecurity and the dangers that various legislative proposals pose to our civil liberties. One major ...
Follow @sobeqorg