BOSTON (Reuters) - Security experts have uncovered an ongoing cyber espionage campaign targeting Iran and other Middle Eastern countries that they say stands out because it is the first such operation.
Graham says cyber-attacks new disaster threat for SC
Sumter Item
Scott called a cyber-attack "inevitable" but said South Carolina can help. He said technology such as that developed at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, which has a facility in the area, can help the nation deal with cyber threats while ...
Middle East officials targeted by cyber espionage 'Madi' attackers
The Guardian
Government officials in the Middle East are among 800 victims of a sustained cyber espionageattack dubbed Madi targeting critical infrastructure in Iran and Israel, security experts have discovered. A sophisticated hacking group, whose members moved ...
Metro Investigates Weekend Computer Failure
Monday morning's problems unfolded at the Dupont Circle Metro Station and they come at a time when Metro is still investigating why the software program for tracking trains crashed twice last weekend. Metro says the computer failure wasn't a cyber ...
U.S. Cyber Challenge and Cal Poly Pomona to Host 3rd Annual Cyber Security ...
PR Newswire (press release)
The camp includes four days of intensive instruction by SANS instructors, a career fair and acyber-attack/defense competition. Less than 10 percent of the estimated necessary 30000 skilledsecurity professionals are in the workplace. This camp is a ...
How To Keep The Energy Grid Safe From Cyber-Attacks
OPB News
That's why it's important for utilities to know if they have good cybersecurity measures in place, says Paul Skare, chief cyber security manager at the lab. Skare has helped the Department of Energy develop an online model for utilities assess their ...
Madi cyber espionage tool discovered targeting Iran and Israel
New Trojan uncovered targeting Middle Eastern businesses and agencies,Security,Privacy,Government ,Malware,Cybercrime,Government,Hacking,Stuxnet. ... Madi cyber espionage tool discovered targeting Iran and Israel. by Alastair Stevenson. More from this ...
Lookingglass Updates Cyber Security for Enterprise, Cloud
Integration Developers
Cybersecurity company Lookingglass Cyber Solutions is shipping an alert and warning system to suppress threats and protect against network vulnerabilities to enterprise networks as well as to Internet-based connections to partners and providers.
Integration Developers
UK should go on the offensive in cyber war, say MPs
The UK should go on the attack in the cyber war, rather than just defend, according to MPs on the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).
Mahdi trojan, new Persian-language cyber spy network, found watching Iran ...
Security analysts today revealed the existence of Mahdi trojan, a new Persian-language cyber spy network targeting Iran and the region, reported Reuters. Israeli security company Seculert and Russia's Kaspersky Lab announced today that the spyware has ...
New 'Madi' cyber-espionage campaign targets Iran AND Israel
Security researchers have discovered a new cyber-espionage campaign targeting victims in the Middle East. Kaspersky Lab and Seculert identified more than 800 victims located in Iran, Israel, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the course of monitoring control ...
Cyber Thieves Use 'Pretexting' Scam To Attack Victims At Work
KYW Newsradio
By Ian Bush. PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Computer attackers are hoping you'll let your guard down at work and give them an easy time of going about their crime. Businesses are seeing an upsurge in this threat. “The success of these attacks are based upon that ...
KYW Newsradio
Destroy our cyber enemies, say MPs
The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) said it was not enough to just defend against cyber attacks and that the military and spy agencies needed to exploit cyber warfare for their own ends. It came as the committee warned that not enough was ...
UK cyber protection should be more aggressive, say MPs
The UK should declare cyber war on states and cyber criminals who target the country, say MPs.... The report said: “Twenty months into the National Cyber Security Programme, there appears to have been some progress on developing cyber capabilities ...
Religious-themed Madi malware hitting select targets in Iran, Israel
ZDNet (blog)
A sustained cyber-surveillance operation has netted more than 800 victims at government entities, financial institutions, engineering and critical infrastructure operations in the Middle East, according to security researchers tracking the malware ...
How to Enhance Cybersecurity and Create American Jobs
Huffington Post (blog)
U.S. government reports have cited supply chain concerns for hardware, claiming that components embedded with security flaws have been found. Kill switches could be installed in Pentagon networks to power down critical ... Cybersecurity legislation ...
MPs Call For 'Cyber War' To Protect UK: Paper
AOL Defense
LONDON: The newspaper with arguably the best connections in the UK security world reports that a Parliamentary committee calls for cyber attacks on those who attack British interests. Here's what the Daily Telegraph's Tuesday ... The paper summarizes ...
Lieberman Seeks Cybersecurity Changes to Add Senate Votes
U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman is considering changes to his cyberdefense bill, which has been stalled over disagreements about whether the government should set security standards. ...Lawmakers haven't reached consensus on an approach for protecting U ...
New Malware "Mahdi" Detected In Middle East, Delivered Through "Daily Beast ...
Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs and Israeli cybersecurity outfit Seculert have identified a new type of phishing malware called "Mahdi" affecting at least 800 computers throughout the Middle East and parts of Central Asia, with most infected ...
Wombat Security Technologies to Host Free Security Awareness and Training ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
To help security officers prepare for Cyber Security Awareness Month, distinguished info securityexperts will share key tips for planning and executing effective security training programs. | Virtual Strategy Magazine is an online publication devoted ...
Kaspersky Lab warns of Global Cyber Warfare
Kaspersky pointed out the advantages of using cyber weapons over conventional weapons have provided “ethical and legal” justification for any institution to launch an attack. “Kaspersky Lab, being a global security company, we state officially that we ...
Cyber-Criminals Craft Malware Kits to Zero In on Java Flaws
Exploit kits, such as Blackhole, are used by cyber-criminals to automate the creation of programs to infect victims' computer systems, and targeting flaws in Java has become a reliable method of infection. Since 2010, exploit kits have added almost a ...
Cybersecurity: The Role for Data Analytics
In the federal world, the term information security has now become “cybersecurity,” and it is one of the top priorities in all of government. President Obama is on record as having said that the “cyberthreat is one of the most serious economic and ...
Securing US Computer Networks with SECURE IT
SECURE IT clearly delineates how and why the federal government can use cyber threat information.Cyber threat information may be used for any cybersecurity or national security purpose, as well as for the prevention, investigation, or prosecution of ...
Annual cyber camp kick offs
The U.S. Cyber Challenge's annual cybersecurity camp program is now underway and will run through July 20. Invited participants will go through four days of intensive training aimed at assessing and recruiting top cybersecurity talent. Mark Weatherford ...
GCHQ Needs More Cyber War Skills, Say MPs
TechWeekEurope UK
The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), in its annual report for 2011-2012 to Parliament that was submitted to the Prime Minister last week, said some progress had been made in developing cyber war abilities but more had to be done in such a ...

TechWeekEurope UK
Stability and Instability in National Security
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
Recently, as General Michael Hayden, former head of the NSA, noted, Stuxnet “crossed the rubicon” as a major, physically destructive cyber attack by a state actor. Mulvenon compared Stuxnet to the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, not by damage done, but ...
New Religious-Themed Malware 'Mahdi' Found On Computers In Iran, Middle East
A new type of information stealing malicious code nicknamed “Mahdi” has been found on over 800 computers in the Middle East, concentrated in Iran, according to securityfirms. The malware is ... Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs and Israeli ...

UK should go on the cyber offensive, say MPs
Information Age
Recent reports in the US press have corroborated what many in the IT security industry already suspected – that US and Israeli intelligence forces lie behind such cyber 'attacks' as the Stuxnet and Flame worms. The UK would not be alone in taking a ...
MPs call for Britain to go on cyber war offensive
Law on the Web (blog)
A report from the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has suggested that Britain should be more aggressive in defending against malicious cyber attacks.
Leaders discuss emergency preparedness and cyber-attacks
Leaders from across South Carolina are meeting in Charleston to prepare for future disasters in the state.
'Madi' Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered
Following the discovery of the Flame virus in May, security experts have uncovered another piece ofmalware called Madi, which is threatening the Middle East. ... 'Madi' Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered. Tweet; Share This Aricle. Text ...
Metro Officials Still Investigating Cause Of Computer System Failure
Huffington Post
Kubicek says officials do not believe the failures were caused by a cyber-attack. The glitch did not affect Metro's signaling system, which ensures that trains maintain enough space between them. But it affected Metro's ability to see where trains were ...
UK spooks should 'disrupt' cyber enemies
Public Service
British intelligence and security agents have been urged to engage in 'active defence' against cyber enemies. ... 'SOCA's weak response to a recent DDoS attack sends the wrong message' · Cyber security- a coordinated effort? Cyber attacks can be costly...

Public Service
A Plea for an Alliance-Based 'AirSeaCyber' Joint Operational Concept
US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned that the “next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber-attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, oursecurity systems, our financial systems.” If true, cyber must be front and center in ...

MPs call on government to unleash the dogs of cyber war
Cross-party committee says UK should develop Stuxnet and Flame-like cyberweapons,Security,Privacy,Government ,Hacking,Cybercrime,Malware,Hacktivism,Government,Stuxnet. ... F-Secure security chief Mikko Hypponen went so far as to compare the recently ...
Boriskin: Compromising national security?
MetroWest Daily News
It should come as no surprise that of course the US is waging, preparing to wage, and rehearsingcyber warfare, whether against Iran or any other country is irrelevant. We'd be pretty stupid not to. Several countries have already released cyber attacks ...
AP: Graham says cyber-attacks new disaster threat for S.C. | United ...
By Lindsey Graham
“A threat we're not prepared for nearly as much as we should be is a cyber-attack,” Graham said during a conference that drew doctors and other first responders to the Medical University of South Carolina's Center for Health Professional Training and Emergency Response. ... He said technology such as that developed at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, which has a facility in the area, can help the nation deal with cyber threats while also creating local jobs.
United States Senator Lindsey Graham ...
Kaspersky pointed out the advantages of using cyber weapons over conventional weapons have provided “ethical and legal” justification for any institution to launch an attack. “Kaspersky Lab, being a global security company, we state officially that we ...
Cyber-Criminals Craft Malware Kits to Zero In on Java Flaws
Exploit kits, such as Blackhole, are used by cyber-criminals to automate the creation of programs to infect victims' computer systems, and targeting flaws in Java has become a reliable method of infection. Since 2010, exploit kits have added almost a ...
Cybersecurity: The Role for Data Analytics
In the federal world, the term information security has now become “cybersecurity,” and it is one of the top priorities in all of government. President Obama is on record as having said that the “cyberthreat is one of the most serious economic and ...
Securing US Computer Networks with SECURE IT
SECURE IT clearly delineates how and why the federal government can use cyber threat information.Cyber threat information may be used for any cybersecurity or national security purpose, as well as for the prevention, investigation, or prosecution of ...
Annual cyber camp kick offs
The U.S. Cyber Challenge's annual cybersecurity camp program is now underway and will run through July 20. Invited participants will go through four days of intensive training aimed at assessing and recruiting top cybersecurity talent. Mark Weatherford ...
GCHQ Needs More Cyber War Skills, Say MPs
TechWeekEurope UK
The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), in its annual report for 2011-2012 to Parliament that was submitted to the Prime Minister last week, said some progress had been made in developing cyber war abilities but more had to be done in such a ...
TechWeekEurope UK
Stability and Instability in National Security
SYS-CON Media (press release) (blog)
Recently, as General Michael Hayden, former head of the NSA, noted, Stuxnet “crossed the rubicon” as a major, physically destructive cyber attack by a state actor. Mulvenon compared Stuxnet to the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, not by damage done, but ...
New Religious-Themed Malware 'Mahdi' Found On Computers In Iran, Middle East
A new type of information stealing malicious code nicknamed “Mahdi” has been found on over 800 computers in the Middle East, concentrated in Iran, according to securityfirms. The malware is ... Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs and Israeli ...
UK should go on the cyber offensive, say MPs
Information Age
Recent reports in the US press have corroborated what many in the IT security industry already suspected – that US and Israeli intelligence forces lie behind such cyber 'attacks' as the Stuxnet and Flame worms. The UK would not be alone in taking a ...
MPs call for Britain to go on cyber war offensive
Law on the Web (blog)
A report from the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has suggested that Britain should be more aggressive in defending against malicious cyber attacks.
Leaders discuss emergency preparedness and cyber-attacks
Leaders from across South Carolina are meeting in Charleston to prepare for future disasters in the state.
'Madi' Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered
Following the discovery of the Flame virus in May, security experts have uncovered another piece ofmalware called Madi, which is threatening the Middle East. ... 'Madi' Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered. Tweet; Share This Aricle. Text ...
Metro Officials Still Investigating Cause Of Computer System Failure
Huffington Post
Kubicek says officials do not believe the failures were caused by a cyber-attack. The glitch did not affect Metro's signaling system, which ensures that trains maintain enough space between them. But it affected Metro's ability to see where trains were ...
UK spooks should 'disrupt' cyber enemies
Public Service
British intelligence and security agents have been urged to engage in 'active defence' against cyber enemies. ... 'SOCA's weak response to a recent DDoS attack sends the wrong message' · Cyber security- a coordinated effort? Cyber attacks can be costly...
Public Service
A Plea for an Alliance-Based 'AirSeaCyber' Joint Operational Concept
US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned that the “next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber-attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, oursecurity systems, our financial systems.” If true, cyber must be front and center in ...
MPs call on government to unleash the dogs of cyber war
Cross-party committee says UK should develop Stuxnet and Flame-like cyberweapons,Security,Privacy,Government ,Hacking,Cybercrime,Malware,Hacktivism,Government,Stuxnet. ... F-Secure security chief Mikko Hypponen went so far as to compare the recently ...
Boriskin: Compromising national security?
MetroWest Daily News
It should come as no surprise that of course the US is waging, preparing to wage, and rehearsingcyber warfare, whether against Iran or any other country is irrelevant. We'd be pretty stupid not to. Several countries have already released cyber attacks ...
AP: Graham says cyber-attacks new disaster threat for S.C. | United ...
By Lindsey Graham
“A threat we're not prepared for nearly as much as we should be is a cyber-attack,” Graham said during a conference that drew doctors and other first responders to the Medical University of South Carolina's Center for Health Professional Training and Emergency Response. ... He said technology such as that developed at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, which has a facility in the area, can help the nation deal with cyber threats while also creating local jobs.
United States Senator Lindsey Graham ...
Cybersecurity: The Role for Data Analytics » FISMA Focus
By jim
In the federal world, the term information security has now become “cybersecurity,” and it is one of the top priorities in all of government. President Obama is on record as having said that the “cyberthreat is one of the most serious economic ...
Cyberwar: Disruption Of "Enemy" Networks May Be A Step Too Far ...
By Ross Brewer
This week, Britain's security and intelligence agencies have been urged by MPs to engage in cyberattacks against enemy states in a report released by The Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).... Unfortunately, even once a cyber breach has been remediated and any potential damage minimised, there often remains an enormous amount of uncertainty and speculation surrounding the origins of the attack and attackers, which plays a large role in inciting further cyber aggression ...
Business Computing World
Norman Updates Malware Analysis Platform | SecurityWeek.Com
By Brian Prince
Information Security News, IT Security News & Expert Insights: SecurityWeek.Com ... The appliance is a cyber-attack discovery system that sits at the perimeter and detects malicious files that may have slipped past other defenses. Working ...
SecurityWeek RSS Feed
Senate Consideration of Cybersecurity Bill
By PJCoyle
Chemical Facility Security News. News and views about chemical facility security, transportation of hazardous chemicals, and the federal laws and rules governing the same. ... Further reducing that effectiveness to overcome objections of portions of the business community will make them practically useless in protecting the country from the potential effects of cyber-attacks on critical installations. If the bill does come to the Senate floor (and Sen. Reid has been making these promises ...
Chemical Facility Security News
'Madi' Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered ...
The active cyber-espionage campaign is targetting very specific victims including employees of critical infrastructure companies, financial services and government embassies, which are mainly located in Middle Eastern countries. So far it is unclear whether or not this is a state-sponsored campaign like Stuxnet and Flame but the security company which first identified it, Seculert, has said the operation could require “a large investment and financial backing.” However the Madi ...
Metro Still Investigating Cause Of Weekend Computer Glitch « CBS ...
By Chuck Carroll
Kubicek says officials do not believe the failures were caused by a cyber-attack. The glitch did not affect Metro's signaling system, which ensures that trains maintain enough space between them. But it affected Metro's ability to see where trains ...
Cyber Attacks: Protecting National Infrastructure
In Cyber Attacks: Protecting National Infrastructure, Edward Amoroso lays out the foundation on how to secure this monstrosity called national infrastructure, ...
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