As far as malicious computer hacking is concerned, the most recent breach of security at Iran's ...
Thunderstruck by AC/DC. . . .starts at 0:35. ENJOY!
I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder)
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder)
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do (Thunder)
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (Thunder)
Sound of the drums
Beatin' in my heart
The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You've been - thunderstruck . . .
. . . .
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Tunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck
Category: Music
AC/DC Song
License: Standard YouTube License
America's Failing Grade on Cyber Attack Readiness
ABC News
Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency and chief of U.S. CyberCommand, told audience members at the Aspen Institute's annual security forum late Thursday, according to multiple reports. Alexander said that since 2009, attempted cyber ...

ABC News
Cyber Command chief flunks US in readiness to deal with cyber attacks
CNN (blog)
By Larry Shaughnessy. Since 2009, online attacks that could destroy key infrastructure in the U.S. have skyrocketed. And the man in charge of cyber defense gave the national a failing grade in being prepared. Gen. Keith Alexander is director of the National ...
Amendments are critical hurdles in cyber debate
The challenge for the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 after a key procedural vote Thursday is whether a growing number of amendments can resolve enough differences to attract GOP support in the Senate — and, ultimately, the House, too — while not completely removing the teeth that Democrats and the Obama administration think is essential to protect the nation ... Senators, pardon me for a moment, but I'm lost on how a firearm magazine jpg image, or wmv video file (bothcyber-based) is a safety and security issue.

Cybercom chief: US unprepared for serious cyber attacks
Edwards Air Force Base
(AFPS) -- The United States is not adequately prepared for a serious cyber attack, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told the audience at the Aspen Institute's annual securityforum today. Army Gen. Keith Alexander, who also serves as the director of ...
Cyber Attacks Targeting US Infrastructure Up 17-Fold Since 2009
Huffington Post
Alexander, who also heads the U.S. military's Cyber Command, told the Aspen Security Forum that he was unaware of any evidence that Stuxnet were now being turned against the United States, as some experts have predicted might be the case now that the malware has become available online. Some of what the general called the 17-fold increase was attributed to ... "We need them to help educate our country in cybersecurity," he said of the hackers' cyber savvy. "And I think there's some great things they can do." ...
US Cyber Defense Head: Attack Preparation Poor
KGTV San Diego
He said the nation's financial industries and Internet-related companies have very robust cyber security, but he's concerned about vital services that many take for granted until they're interrupted. "I'm worried most about the power. I'm worried about water, ...
Combating a cyber attack
Aspen Daily News
NBC correspondent Pete Williams, left, interviews General Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, on Thursday afternoon at the Doerr-Hosier Center. The discussion centered on cyber-security and was part of the Aspen SecurityForum.

Aspen Daily News
SEC May Require More Cyber Risk Disclosures Under Senate Bill
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission would consider stronger guidelines for company disclosures about the risks of computer attacks, under a cybersecurity bill being debated in the Senate. The U.S. ... The senators revised their cyber-defense bill last week in an effort to pick up Republican votes, outlining a system of voluntary security standards for critical infrastructure such as power grids and chemical plants, rather than mandatory government rules contained in a previous bill. The Senate voted today to ...
Rockefeller warns of dangers of cyber attacks as Senate moves forward with ...
Charleston Gazette
Va., spoke about the dangers of being unprepared for a cyber attack Wednesday, as the Senate moved forward Thursday with the Cybersecurity Act by voting to allow debate on the legislation.... a member and former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that both parties understand the threat that breaches of government data pose and that Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller told Congress that cyber security would soon replace terrorism as the FBI's primary focus.
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Cyber bill dashes hopes for defense vote in Senate
The Hill (blog)
has tried in recent weeks to stay optimistic that the Defense authorization bill would get to the Senate floor this month, but he acknowledged Thursday that's not going to happen now that the chamber is moving forward with a cybersecurity bill. The writing may have ... muddy, to say the least. But when it comes to the emerging battlefield of cyber warfare, those rules don't even exist — yet. The top commanders of the services' cyber warfare branches gave lawmakers an update Wednesday on the status of those rules.
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate poised to debate cyber amendments
The Hill (blog)
In the meantime, members will be meeting again Friday to continue their negotiations on reaching an agreement between the Cybersecurity Act and Secure It. Participants include Lieberman and the co-sponsors of his bill, members involved in leading earlier compromise efforts, as well as the backers of the Secure It Act. Also on Thursday, Sens. ... Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has filed four amendments that focus on data security and privacy, and stiffening penalties for cyber crime, among other issues. Sen. Ron Wyden ...
US cyber commander accuses countries of targeting infrastructure
Compromise bill in Senate would address cyber threats. Thu, Jul 19 2012. U.S. spy agencies say won't read Americans' email for cybersecurity ... Alexander, who also heads the U.S. military's Cyber Command, told the Aspen Security Forum that he was unaware of any evidence that Stuxnet were now being turned against the United States, as some experts have predicted might be the case now that the malware has become available online. Some of what the general called the 17-fold increase was attributed to ...
Cybersecurity Pipe Dreams
The National Interest Online
Every single computer in the world can be hacked. From your personal computer at home to the office workstation of the CIA director, it is not possible to fully protect any computer from cyber penetration. For all the talk about cyber protection and the billions of ...

The National Interest Online
Cyber reform clears first Senate hurdle - Thumbs down on FCC emergency ...
CYBER REFORM CLEARS FIRST SENATE HURDLE — The Senate officially took the plunge Thursday into the heated cybersecurity debate, voting 84-11 on cloture to begin debate on the Lieberman-Collins-Feinstein-Carper-Rockefeller bill with days to go before the August break. (Here's our story, if you missed it, for Pros: http://politico.pro/Mos5sE). There's no ... And expect other tweaks from Dem Sen. Patrick Leahy and others on data security and privacy, one from Sen. Chris Coons that would sunset part of the ...
Why Business Still Hates Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act
The Cybersecurity Act (S. 3414) no longer provides the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) with the authority to set and regulate standards for cybersecurity protection among companies designated as owning critical infrastructure. Instead ... The US Chamber continues to support cybersecurity legislation such as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) (HR 3523), passed by the House in April, and the Strengthening and EnhancingCybersecurity by Using Research, Education, Information and ...
Senate advances cybersecurity bill for vote
Washington Examiner
The bill would relegate responsibility for the nation's cyber security to the Department of Homeland Security, which would implement regulations developed by a newly created NationalCybersecurity Council. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Thursday that he ...
URGENT: Businesess Must Act to Stop Congress on Cyber Legislation
Businesses must pick up their phones now and call Congress to stop cyber legislation that is poised to saddle them with intrusive government-mandated risk assessments, costly securityrequirements, and required disclosures regarding security incidents. ... Wall Street Journal that, “The American people deserve to know that companies running our critical infrastructure meet basic commonsense cybersecurity standards, just as they already meet other securityrequirements,” such as those for nuclear power plants, ...
US Senate advances bill to boost digital defense against cyber attacks
The Cybersecurity Act, which was first proposed in February, calls for setting up the NationalCybersecurity Council, to be chaired by Secretary of Homeland Security, to coordinate efforts to deal with the cyber threat. But Republicans and business lobbyists, ...
Military & Aerospace Electronics
We have already seen the use of cyber attacks in warfare, when hackers inside Russia reportedly took down the command and control systems in Estonia in 2007. That was five years ago, or roughly a lifetime ago ... At his confirmation hearing to be Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said, The next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, our security systems, our financial systems, our governmental systems. Earlier this year, at the annual worldwide-threat ...
Microsoft, Oracle back Lieberman cyber bill
The Hill (blog)
Microsoft, Oracle back Lieberman cyber bill. By Brendan Sasso - 07/26/12 02:55 PM ET ... The companies split from other business groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, IBM and trade association TechAmerica, which have all criticized Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act. The bill would incentivize critical infrastructure systems to upgrade their security protections, and the business groups expressed concern that the incentives amount to burdensome government regulation. But the legislation exempts information ...
NSA to hackers: We're not prepared for major attack
On a scale of one to 10, American readiness to deflect a major cyber-attack on its infrastructure is “around three,” head of the National Security Agency and the USCyber Command said in a rare speech at a hacker conference. General Keith B. Alexander was ...

Senate cybersecurity legislation modified to win Republican support
Joseph Lieberman, ID-Conn., who chairs the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee. “In other words, we are going to try carrots instead of sticks as we begin to improve our cyber defenses.” Republicans and many business groups had ...
Rise Is Seen in Cyberattacks Targeting US Infrastructure
New York Times
Keith B. Alexander, who heads the National Security Agency and also the newly created United States Cyber Command, appears to be the government's first official acknowledgment of the pace at which America's electricity grids, water supplies, computer and ... General Alexander said that what concerned him about the increase in foreign cyberattacks on the United States was that a growing number were aimed at “critical infrastructure,” and that the United States remained unprepared to ward off a major attack.
Senate Democrats to offer amendments to cybersecurity bill
The Hill (blog)
He lauded a measure in the bill that would give companies authority to share information aboutcyber threats with only civilian agencies, noting that a rival cybersecurity bill backed by Senate Republicans lacked that protection. Franken said he planned to ...
Senate's move to cybersecurity means no defense bill before recess
The Hill (blog)
told The Hill that the Senate's plan to take up cyber next week kills any chance of getting to the defense bill before the August recess, although he contended that there was still some hope for the defense bill until the vote Thursday. The House and Senate take ...
Their View: US must beef up defenses against cyberattack
Las Cruces Sun-News
On July 10, cybersecurity experts James Mulvenon and Gregory Rattray unveiled a study that concludes "the current strategic cyber environment is fundamentally unstable." Their message:Security concepts the United States has relied upon for decades, ...
Senate advances bill to bolster cybersecurity defenses in 84-11 vote
The Hill (blog)
Susan Collins (R-Maine), a sponsor of the Cybersecurity Act, said she's open to changes but said the legislation should to be passed quickly for the sake of national security. ... “We can't afford to wait for a cyber 9/11 before taking action on this legislation.” ...
U.S. faces increasing cyber threat
Keith B. Alexander, who also directs the U.S. Cyber Command, spoke Thursday at the AspenSecurity Forum in Colorado. He said online attacks that ... Alexander is pushing Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, CNN said. The bill, currently moving ...
Cybersecurity Bill Inches Closer to Passing
Should the CSA eventually pass the Senate, it will move to the House, which has already passed a very different cybersecurity bill – the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA. Discrepancies between the bills would have to be worked out by ...
Sen. Franken To File Crucial Amendment to Cyber Bill
American Civil Liberties Union News and Information (blog)
It permits companies greater leeway to monitor their networks --and their customers and users– for cybersecurity threats. It also grants them explicit authority to take 'countermeasures' to protect their property against cyber threats. While the sponsors of the bill ...
Major Information Technology, Software Companies, Industry Groups Support ...
Major Information Technology, Software Companies, Industry Groups Support Cybersecurity Act, S.3414. Targeted News ... "The framework is flexible enough to permit future improvements tosecurity - an important point since cyber threats evolve over time.
Highly Skilled People Are Key to Cyber Defense, Leaders Say
Department of Defense
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2012 – Having the right people in the right places with the right training is the best defense against any attack, and this is as true in the cyber world as it is on battlefields Afghanistan, military commanders charged with improving ...
The Offensive Technique to Combat Cyber-Attack
By Mhea Repollo
He is currently, the head of cyber crime division of CrowdStrike, a start-up group specializing in counteracting cyber violence and attack. In a notable Black Hat computer security get-together, Henry with the rest of computer security experts ...
Jack Liberty
Cyber reform clears first Senate hurdle – Thumbs down on FCC ...
By admin
CYBER REFORM CLEARS FIRST SENATE HURDLE — The Senate officially took the plunge Thursday into the heated cybersecurity debate, voting 84-11 on cloture to begin debate on the Lieberman-Collins-Feinstein-Carper-Rockefeller bill with days to go before the August break. (Here's our story, if you missed it, for Pros: http://politico.pro/Mos5sE) ... Patrick Leahy and others on data security and privacy, one from Sen. Chris Coons that would sunset part of the law, perhaps one from ...
Reshoring Manufacturing
Dem Senators Try To Sneak Gun Control Amendment Into Cyber ...
By RightCoast
Dem Senators Try To Sneak Gun Control Amendment Into Cyber Security Bill. Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers.
Right Coast
Marching off to cyberwar - World - Macleans.ca
By Michael Petrou
The worm, popularly known as Stuxnet, signalled a remarkable escalation in cyber-warfare'spotential. A 2007 cyber-attack on Estonia—believed to have been Russian in origin—hit banks, newspapers and the country's parliament, causing widespread inconvenience. Russia's ... in the step-by-step escalation of an attack on a foreign nation's infrastructure.” Obama's personal interest in cyber-warfare is mirrored by the country's security establishment. United States CyberCommand, ...
United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ...
By Steve M
July 27, 9790 1:43 pm You are here:Home Featured United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ban. 0. United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ban. Posted by Steve M on July 27, 2012 at ...
Radio Vice Online
Electrical Power Grid Vulnerable to Cyber Threats - Smart Grid Blog ...
By Derek
With a possible debate on cybersecurity legislation looming in the Senate, energy regulators on Tuesday warned lawmakers of the pressing threats facing the nation's power grid. Appearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, a panel of witnesses stressed that any bill the full chamber approves must provide for a more fluid system of sharing information about cyber threats, both between public and private entities and between federal and state and local ...
NTS Smart Grid Blog
Black-I Robotics Wins US Air Force Contract to Secure Unmanned ...
By Unmanned Editor
Air, ground, water surface, and underwater unmanned systems; commonly called drones, unmanned systems or robots; are likewise vulnerable to cyber attack of various kinds. “Using robotic vehicles against uneducated combatants is one ...
URGENT: Businesess Must Act to Stop Congress on Cyber Legislation
Businesses must pick up their phones now and call Congress to stop cyber legislation that is poised to saddle them with intrusive government-mandated risk assessments, costly securityrequirements, and required disclosures regarding security incidents. Most businesses are complacent about cybersecurity legislation because so many bills have floated around for so many years that everyone is yawning. Stop Yawning. As Ann Landers used to say, "Wake up and smell the coffee." ...
Netizen Report: Security Edition – Consent of the Networked
By Rebecca MacKinnon
This week's Netizen Report on Global Voices Advocacy begins with an update on cybersecuritylegislation in the US and UK: We begin ... There is a public input forum on the upcoming EU Strategy on Cyber Security running until October 12.
Consent of the Networked
Dems offer gun-control amendment to cybersecurity bill « Hot Air
By Ed Morrissey
Fueled by the detail that the AR-15 (not an AK-47) used in the massacre had a high-capacity drum magazine — which jammed — Senate Democrats have offered an amendment to the pending cybersecurity bill that would ban possession of magazines past a maximum 10-round capacity: Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill ..... Smith voted against the cyber-security bill!!!11! Does he support international terrorist hackers!?!?!?” KS Rex on July 27, ...
Hot Air » Top Picks
Anonymous #opAustralia, data breach and ... - Security Affairs
By paganinip
These regulations are likely to foster the development of pseudo-government interception centers still too vulnerable to hacker attacks. Of particular concern is the vulnerability of these providers to cyber espionage attacks by foreign ...
Security Affairs
Finnish firm says new cyber attack may have targeted Iran - Yahoo ...
A scientist claiming to work for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran told a Finnishcyber-security group that Tehran's nuclear programme had been the victim ...
Follow @sobeqorg
ABC News
Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency and chief of U.S. CyberCommand, told audience members at the Aspen Institute's annual security forum late Thursday, according to multiple reports. Alexander said that since 2009, attempted cyber ...
ABC News
Cyber Command chief flunks US in readiness to deal with cyber attacks
CNN (blog)
By Larry Shaughnessy. Since 2009, online attacks that could destroy key infrastructure in the U.S. have skyrocketed. And the man in charge of cyber defense gave the national a failing grade in being prepared. Gen. Keith Alexander is director of the National ...
Amendments are critical hurdles in cyber debate
The challenge for the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 after a key procedural vote Thursday is whether a growing number of amendments can resolve enough differences to attract GOP support in the Senate — and, ultimately, the House, too — while not completely removing the teeth that Democrats and the Obama administration think is essential to protect the nation ... Senators, pardon me for a moment, but I'm lost on how a firearm magazine jpg image, or wmv video file (bothcyber-based) is a safety and security issue.
Cybercom chief: US unprepared for serious cyber attacks
Edwards Air Force Base
(AFPS) -- The United States is not adequately prepared for a serious cyber attack, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told the audience at the Aspen Institute's annual securityforum today. Army Gen. Keith Alexander, who also serves as the director of ...
Cyber Attacks Targeting US Infrastructure Up 17-Fold Since 2009
Huffington Post
Alexander, who also heads the U.S. military's Cyber Command, told the Aspen Security Forum that he was unaware of any evidence that Stuxnet were now being turned against the United States, as some experts have predicted might be the case now that the malware has become available online. Some of what the general called the 17-fold increase was attributed to ... "We need them to help educate our country in cybersecurity," he said of the hackers' cyber savvy. "And I think there's some great things they can do." ...
US Cyber Defense Head: Attack Preparation Poor
KGTV San Diego
He said the nation's financial industries and Internet-related companies have very robust cyber security, but he's concerned about vital services that many take for granted until they're interrupted. "I'm worried most about the power. I'm worried about water, ...
Combating a cyber attack
Aspen Daily News
NBC correspondent Pete Williams, left, interviews General Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, on Thursday afternoon at the Doerr-Hosier Center. The discussion centered on cyber-security and was part of the Aspen SecurityForum.
Aspen Daily News
SEC May Require More Cyber Risk Disclosures Under Senate Bill
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission would consider stronger guidelines for company disclosures about the risks of computer attacks, under a cybersecurity bill being debated in the Senate. The U.S. ... The senators revised their cyber-defense bill last week in an effort to pick up Republican votes, outlining a system of voluntary security standards for critical infrastructure such as power grids and chemical plants, rather than mandatory government rules contained in a previous bill. The Senate voted today to ...
Rockefeller warns of dangers of cyber attacks as Senate moves forward with ...
Charleston Gazette
Va., spoke about the dangers of being unprepared for a cyber attack Wednesday, as the Senate moved forward Thursday with the Cybersecurity Act by voting to allow debate on the legislation.... a member and former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that both parties understand the threat that breaches of government data pose and that Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Robert Mueller told Congress that cyber security would soon replace terrorism as the FBI's primary focus.
OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Cyber bill dashes hopes for defense vote in Senate
The Hill (blog)
has tried in recent weeks to stay optimistic that the Defense authorization bill would get to the Senate floor this month, but he acknowledged Thursday that's not going to happen now that the chamber is moving forward with a cybersecurity bill. The writing may have ... muddy, to say the least. But when it comes to the emerging battlefield of cyber warfare, those rules don't even exist — yet. The top commanders of the services' cyber warfare branches gave lawmakers an update Wednesday on the status of those rules.
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senate poised to debate cyber amendments
The Hill (blog)
In the meantime, members will be meeting again Friday to continue their negotiations on reaching an agreement between the Cybersecurity Act and Secure It. Participants include Lieberman and the co-sponsors of his bill, members involved in leading earlier compromise efforts, as well as the backers of the Secure It Act. Also on Thursday, Sens. ... Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has filed four amendments that focus on data security and privacy, and stiffening penalties for cyber crime, among other issues. Sen. Ron Wyden ...
US cyber commander accuses countries of targeting infrastructure
Compromise bill in Senate would address cyber threats. Thu, Jul 19 2012. U.S. spy agencies say won't read Americans' email for cybersecurity ... Alexander, who also heads the U.S. military's Cyber Command, told the Aspen Security Forum that he was unaware of any evidence that Stuxnet were now being turned against the United States, as some experts have predicted might be the case now that the malware has become available online. Some of what the general called the 17-fold increase was attributed to ...
Cybersecurity Pipe Dreams
The National Interest Online
Every single computer in the world can be hacked. From your personal computer at home to the office workstation of the CIA director, it is not possible to fully protect any computer from cyber penetration. For all the talk about cyber protection and the billions of ...
The National Interest Online
Cyber reform clears first Senate hurdle - Thumbs down on FCC emergency ...
CYBER REFORM CLEARS FIRST SENATE HURDLE — The Senate officially took the plunge Thursday into the heated cybersecurity debate, voting 84-11 on cloture to begin debate on the Lieberman-Collins-Feinstein-Carper-Rockefeller bill with days to go before the August break. (Here's our story, if you missed it, for Pros: http://politico.pro/Mos5sE). There's no ... And expect other tweaks from Dem Sen. Patrick Leahy and others on data security and privacy, one from Sen. Chris Coons that would sunset part of the ...
Why Business Still Hates Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act
The Cybersecurity Act (S. 3414) no longer provides the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) with the authority to set and regulate standards for cybersecurity protection among companies designated as owning critical infrastructure. Instead ... The US Chamber continues to support cybersecurity legislation such as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) (HR 3523), passed by the House in April, and the Strengthening and EnhancingCybersecurity by Using Research, Education, Information and ...
Senate advances cybersecurity bill for vote
Washington Examiner
The bill would relegate responsibility for the nation's cyber security to the Department of Homeland Security, which would implement regulations developed by a newly created NationalCybersecurity Council. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Thursday that he ...
URGENT: Businesess Must Act to Stop Congress on Cyber Legislation
Businesses must pick up their phones now and call Congress to stop cyber legislation that is poised to saddle them with intrusive government-mandated risk assessments, costly securityrequirements, and required disclosures regarding security incidents. ... Wall Street Journal that, “The American people deserve to know that companies running our critical infrastructure meet basic commonsense cybersecurity standards, just as they already meet other securityrequirements,” such as those for nuclear power plants, ...
US Senate advances bill to boost digital defense against cyber attacks
The Cybersecurity Act, which was first proposed in February, calls for setting up the NationalCybersecurity Council, to be chaired by Secretary of Homeland Security, to coordinate efforts to deal with the cyber threat. But Republicans and business lobbyists, ...
Military & Aerospace Electronics
We have already seen the use of cyber attacks in warfare, when hackers inside Russia reportedly took down the command and control systems in Estonia in 2007. That was five years ago, or roughly a lifetime ago ... At his confirmation hearing to be Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said, The next Pearl Harbor we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, our security systems, our financial systems, our governmental systems. Earlier this year, at the annual worldwide-threat ...
Microsoft, Oracle back Lieberman cyber bill
The Hill (blog)
Microsoft, Oracle back Lieberman cyber bill. By Brendan Sasso - 07/26/12 02:55 PM ET ... The companies split from other business groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, IBM and trade association TechAmerica, which have all criticized Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act. The bill would incentivize critical infrastructure systems to upgrade their security protections, and the business groups expressed concern that the incentives amount to burdensome government regulation. But the legislation exempts information ...
NSA to hackers: We're not prepared for major attack
On a scale of one to 10, American readiness to deflect a major cyber-attack on its infrastructure is “around three,” head of the National Security Agency and the USCyber Command said in a rare speech at a hacker conference. General Keith B. Alexander was ...
Senate cybersecurity legislation modified to win Republican support
Joseph Lieberman, ID-Conn., who chairs the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee. “In other words, we are going to try carrots instead of sticks as we begin to improve our cyber defenses.” Republicans and many business groups had ...
Rise Is Seen in Cyberattacks Targeting US Infrastructure
New York Times
Keith B. Alexander, who heads the National Security Agency and also the newly created United States Cyber Command, appears to be the government's first official acknowledgment of the pace at which America's electricity grids, water supplies, computer and ... General Alexander said that what concerned him about the increase in foreign cyberattacks on the United States was that a growing number were aimed at “critical infrastructure,” and that the United States remained unprepared to ward off a major attack.
Senate Democrats to offer amendments to cybersecurity bill
The Hill (blog)
He lauded a measure in the bill that would give companies authority to share information aboutcyber threats with only civilian agencies, noting that a rival cybersecurity bill backed by Senate Republicans lacked that protection. Franken said he planned to ...
Senate's move to cybersecurity means no defense bill before recess
The Hill (blog)
told The Hill that the Senate's plan to take up cyber next week kills any chance of getting to the defense bill before the August recess, although he contended that there was still some hope for the defense bill until the vote Thursday. The House and Senate take ...
Their View: US must beef up defenses against cyberattack
Las Cruces Sun-News
On July 10, cybersecurity experts James Mulvenon and Gregory Rattray unveiled a study that concludes "the current strategic cyber environment is fundamentally unstable." Their message:Security concepts the United States has relied upon for decades, ...
Senate advances bill to bolster cybersecurity defenses in 84-11 vote
The Hill (blog)
Susan Collins (R-Maine), a sponsor of the Cybersecurity Act, said she's open to changes but said the legislation should to be passed quickly for the sake of national security. ... “We can't afford to wait for a cyber 9/11 before taking action on this legislation.” ...
U.S. faces increasing cyber threat
Keith B. Alexander, who also directs the U.S. Cyber Command, spoke Thursday at the AspenSecurity Forum in Colorado. He said online attacks that ... Alexander is pushing Congress to pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, CNN said. The bill, currently moving ...
Cybersecurity Bill Inches Closer to Passing
Should the CSA eventually pass the Senate, it will move to the House, which has already passed a very different cybersecurity bill – the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA. Discrepancies between the bills would have to be worked out by ...
Sen. Franken To File Crucial Amendment to Cyber Bill
American Civil Liberties Union News and Information (blog)
It permits companies greater leeway to monitor their networks --and their customers and users– for cybersecurity threats. It also grants them explicit authority to take 'countermeasures' to protect their property against cyber threats. While the sponsors of the bill ...
Major Information Technology, Software Companies, Industry Groups Support ...
Major Information Technology, Software Companies, Industry Groups Support Cybersecurity Act, S.3414. Targeted News ... "The framework is flexible enough to permit future improvements tosecurity - an important point since cyber threats evolve over time.
Highly Skilled People Are Key to Cyber Defense, Leaders Say
Department of Defense
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2012 – Having the right people in the right places with the right training is the best defense against any attack, and this is as true in the cyber world as it is on battlefields Afghanistan, military commanders charged with improving ...
The Offensive Technique to Combat Cyber-Attack
By Mhea Repollo
He is currently, the head of cyber crime division of CrowdStrike, a start-up group specializing in counteracting cyber violence and attack. In a notable Black Hat computer security get-together, Henry with the rest of computer security experts ...
Jack Liberty
Cyber reform clears first Senate hurdle – Thumbs down on FCC ...
By admin
CYBER REFORM CLEARS FIRST SENATE HURDLE — The Senate officially took the plunge Thursday into the heated cybersecurity debate, voting 84-11 on cloture to begin debate on the Lieberman-Collins-Feinstein-Carper-Rockefeller bill with days to go before the August break. (Here's our story, if you missed it, for Pros: http://politico.pro/Mos5sE) ... Patrick Leahy and others on data security and privacy, one from Sen. Chris Coons that would sunset part of the law, perhaps one from ...
Reshoring Manufacturing
Dem Senators Try To Sneak Gun Control Amendment Into Cyber ...
By RightCoast
Dem Senators Try To Sneak Gun Control Amendment Into Cyber Security Bill. Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers.
Right Coast
Marching off to cyberwar - World - Macleans.ca
By Michael Petrou
The worm, popularly known as Stuxnet, signalled a remarkable escalation in cyber-warfare'spotential. A 2007 cyber-attack on Estonia—believed to have been Russian in origin—hit banks, newspapers and the country's parliament, causing widespread inconvenience. Russia's ... in the step-by-step escalation of an attack on a foreign nation's infrastructure.” Obama's personal interest in cyber-warfare is mirrored by the country's security establishment. United States CyberCommand, ...
United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ...
By Steve M
July 27, 9790 1:43 pm You are here:Home Featured United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ban. 0. United States cyber security may include a high-capacity magazine ban. Posted by Steve M on July 27, 2012 at ...
Radio Vice Online
Electrical Power Grid Vulnerable to Cyber Threats - Smart Grid Blog ...
By Derek
With a possible debate on cybersecurity legislation looming in the Senate, energy regulators on Tuesday warned lawmakers of the pressing threats facing the nation's power grid. Appearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, a panel of witnesses stressed that any bill the full chamber approves must provide for a more fluid system of sharing information about cyber threats, both between public and private entities and between federal and state and local ...
NTS Smart Grid Blog
Black-I Robotics Wins US Air Force Contract to Secure Unmanned ...
By Unmanned Editor
Air, ground, water surface, and underwater unmanned systems; commonly called drones, unmanned systems or robots; are likewise vulnerable to cyber attack of various kinds. “Using robotic vehicles against uneducated combatants is one ...
URGENT: Businesess Must Act to Stop Congress on Cyber Legislation
Businesses must pick up their phones now and call Congress to stop cyber legislation that is poised to saddle them with intrusive government-mandated risk assessments, costly securityrequirements, and required disclosures regarding security incidents. Most businesses are complacent about cybersecurity legislation because so many bills have floated around for so many years that everyone is yawning. Stop Yawning. As Ann Landers used to say, "Wake up and smell the coffee." ...
Netizen Report: Security Edition – Consent of the Networked
By Rebecca MacKinnon
This week's Netizen Report on Global Voices Advocacy begins with an update on cybersecuritylegislation in the US and UK: We begin ... There is a public input forum on the upcoming EU Strategy on Cyber Security running until October 12.
Consent of the Networked
Dems offer gun-control amendment to cybersecurity bill « Hot Air
By Ed Morrissey
Fueled by the detail that the AR-15 (not an AK-47) used in the massacre had a high-capacity drum magazine — which jammed — Senate Democrats have offered an amendment to the pending cybersecurity bill that would ban possession of magazines past a maximum 10-round capacity: Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill ..... Smith voted against the cyber-security bill!!!11! Does he support international terrorist hackers!?!?!?” KS Rex on July 27, ...
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Anonymous #opAustralia, data breach and ... - Security Affairs
By paganinip
These regulations are likely to foster the development of pseudo-government interception centers still too vulnerable to hacker attacks. Of particular concern is the vulnerability of these providers to cyber espionage attacks by foreign ...
Security Affairs
Finnish firm says new cyber attack may have targeted Iran - Yahoo ...
A scientist claiming to work for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran told a Finnishcyber-security group that Tehran's nuclear programme had been the victim ...
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