“If all he did in the last year was intercede in America's efforts to short-circuit Iran's nuclear ambitions – definitively unmasking a cyber-weapon for the first time – Kaspersky would've earned himself a spot on our list of the most dangerous people ...
Is there a greater risk of cyber attack over the holidays?
PCWorld (blog)
The perception of impending doom is largely unfounded, according to Andrew Storms, director ITsecurity operations for nCircle. Maybe it's just cyber-attack PTSD? Storms explains, “In spite of the increase in malware and viruses around every major ...
Are we prepared for a cyber storm?
Financial Times
“We know of specific instances where intruders have successfully gained access to these control systems,” Panetta observed, adding that “we also know that they are seeking to create advanced tools to attack these systems and cause panic and destruction ...
Cyber Risks: Are You Protected?
JD Supra (press release)
In the past year, targeted cyber attacks against small and medium businesses has nearly doubled: from 18% in 2011 to 35% in 2012, according to a study released by the National Cyber SecurityAlliance and Symantec. Recent studies report that 74% of ...
Middle East tackles cyber security threat with world class training
AME Info
There has been an unprecedented volume of malicious code and attacks - including many high profile incidents - in the Middle East during 2012. Attacks ranged from those performed by cyber criminals to hacktivists and in some cases reportedly nation ...
ENISA outlines smart grid cyber security measures
Electric Light & Power
The report proposes security measurements that are designed to improve the minimal level ofsecurity across the EU energy ecosystem. Its propositions target ten separate domains that are further divided into three levels of sophistication. Adoption of ...
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